Институт экономики

Российской академии наук

Главная Публикации Журналы ИЭ РАН "The journal "Society and Economics"




International Academic and Socio-Political Journal

Established by the academies of sciences - participants of the International Academies of Sciences' Association

12 issues a year.

Moscow, Department of scientific publications NIU GAUGN



Contacts: +7 (495)624-5098 (т/ф); +7(495)628-8319


Acting Editor-in-Chief of the journal - Doctor of Economics Elena Lenchuk


Editorial Board: Ph.D. A.Alirzayev, academician of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus E.Babosov, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.Geyets, Doctor of Economics R. Dzhabiev, academician of National academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan M.Dinorshoev, academician RAS V.Zhurkin, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences I.Ivanov, Doctor of Economics S.Kalashnikov, academician of the Republic of Tajikistan N.Kayumov, academician of National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic T.Koichuev, Doctor of Economics P.Kokhno - deputy chief editor, Doctor of Philosophy, a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nguyen Duy Quy, academician RAS A.Nekipelov, academician of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus P.Nikitenko,  academician RAS B.Porfiriev, Ph.D. A.Rasulev, academician of Academy of Sciences of Moldova A.Rosca, academician of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan O.Sabden, V.Sokolin, Doctor of Philosophy O.Togusakov, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yu.Shemshuchenko, Ph.D. E.Yasin

Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted for publication in the journal "Society and Economy"...

ORDER review of manuscripts coming to the journal "Society and Economy" ...

















N 12, 2024



N. Smorodinskaya, D. Katukov. A global turn in national industrial strategies: the move towards technological self-sufficiency
S. Ilyina. Technological sovereignty as reflected by patent statistics: artificial intelligence and semiconductors
B. Bataeva, N. Kiseleva, L. Cheglakova, B. Sytin. Participation of business and non-profit organizations in the implementation of national projects and sustainable development agenda (with reference to Krasnoyarsk Krai)


A. Sedlov. Eastern and western directions of labor of labor immigration to Russia: historical markets and prospects


D. Ushkalova. Russia’s foreign trade: challenges and lessons of 3 years of sanctions pressure
A. Pylin. Transformation of Russia’s foreign trade integration with post-so- viet countries in the context of sanctions
l. Medvedev. Trade interaction between the Union State–EAEU– BRICS: modern trends and prospects



N 11, 2024



E. Sobolev. Labor migration in the Russian labor market: key problems and approaches to regulation
T. Sokolova. The middle class in Russia and countries of the Russian "neighborhood belt" in a changing world order (problems of theory and practice)


S. Trofimov. Development of methodological foundations of state regulation of the oil and gas complex at the present stage of economic relations


M. Zharikov. The specifics of competition between commercial banks and fintechs
I. Kvashnina. Russia in the international movement of capital: adaptaion to new conditions


Ye. Romanchuk. The influence of the World Bank on the economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan
M. Borodenko. Georgia's foreign economic relations in the context of geopolitical turbulence





N 10, 2024



Irina Smotritskaya. Modern trends in the development of public Governance concepts
Mikhail Kornilov, Alexey Kornilov. Choosing an economic development model for Russia


Sergey Kapkanshchikov. On the transformation of russian savings into investments and on the obstacles holding back this process
Anton Kutukov. On the issues of financing authorities transferred to regional and municipal budgets
Aleksandr Afanasyev. The development of mechanical engineering in Russia in the context of fulfilling tasks to achieve national development goals
Lyudmila Ivanova. Russian agricultural chemistry in tiie context of the policy of technological sovereignity of the national agro-industrial complex


Galina Tuguskina. On the empwyment of elderly citizens for the solution of staffing problems of enterprises


N 9, 2024



T. Chubarova, Ye. Shestakova. Healthcare financing in core countries of BRICS: developing a mixed system
А. Tyurikov, D. Kunizheva. Assessment of financially literate behavior: from increasing financial literacy to forming financial culture


I. Balyuk. Modem global financial market: features and main development trends
A. Yolinsky, M. Kruglova. Chinese investments in Russia in the context of China’s foreign economic strategy
D. Dinets. Contradictions in the development of transport and logistics infrastructure of Mongolia
K. Darmina. Technological trends in the digital development of the industrial sector in Germany

N. Korzh, A. Vasilenko. Strengthening economic ties between Belarus and Russia: prospects and challenges


N 7-8, 2024



Yu. Knyazev. Towards a new ontology of economics
A. Martynov. Economic transformation as a component of societal transformation: an integrative vision


I. Soboleva. The education sphere of post-soviet Russia in the mirrorof the labor market requirements and the needs of the population
E. Blagolev. The impact of tax deduction on inequality in Russia
E. Styrin. On the formation of digital competencies of the populationat the regional level as a social innovation: the case of the Pskov Oblast


S. Volodina. Prospects for improving the use of fixed capital in the fishery complex (the case of Primorsky Territory)


M. Shatokhin, V. Dadalko, S. Sidorenko. Digitalization and management of global investment processes


L. Vardomskiy. Ensuring coherence between China’s "Belt and Road" initiative and Eurasian economic union project
O. Komolov. The impact of western sanctions on the role and place of Russia in relations with Kazakhstan (political and economic aspect)
V. Samaruha, A. Samaruha, V. Dorzhieva. New realities of economiccooperation between Russia and Mongolia


N 6, 2024



Galina Anisimova. The paternalistic state and civil society: the problem of socio-economic inequality
Sergey Kapkanshchikov. The effect of the paradox of thrift on modern russiaAnd the ways of countering it with social fiscal instruments
Bazynan Bizengin, Madina Eneeva, Elena Sarbasheva, Khalimat Uyanaeva. A ticket to the future or a window of opportunity for the Republic of Kyrgyzstan


Valentina Dorzhieva. On the strategy for the development of the pharmaceutical industry and the formation of technological sovereignty of Russia in the context of the prospects for the Eurasian partnership
Yuliya Vologova. State corporations in the implementation of scientific and technological policy of Russia


Natalia Sorokina. Labour shortage in industrial regions of Russia: can interregional migration help mitigate the problem?


Yekaterina Romanchuk. On the consequences of climate change for the most vulnerable populations in the Central Asian region


N 5, 2024



Igor Nikolaev, Viktor Cherepov, Olga Sobolevskaya.The implementation of the national project “healthcare” in the context of the restructuring of the economy


Sergey Chernykh. On the correlation between the processes of public administration and state regulation: theory and Russian practice


Sergey Orlov, Roman Reutov. Methodological tools for assessing the level of indebtedness of the population of the Russian Federation


Yelena Shestakova. The tasks of stabilizing existing pension systems and the main vectors of reforms in the practice of foreign countries


Vladimir Andrianov. The new world monetary system – prerequisites for creation and implementation mechanisms
Victor Klavdienko. Renewable energy in India: key trends, drivers and prospects
Irina Strelnikova. Investment attractiveness of the Russian Arctic through the prism of international cooperation and development of transport corridors



N 4, 2024



I. Smotritskaya, N. Frolova.To the issue of development of entrepreneurial state activity
P. Kokhno. Military economy of modern Russia
S. Ilyina, A. Sokolov. Formation of a system of sectoral measures and mechanisms of state support for the electronic industry
B. Kalioujny. Towards a stardardized circular economy


E. Abramov. Financing infrastructure projects: a review of definitional issues and thematic areas


V. Dadalko, N. Nikolayevsky, S. Sidorenko. System approach to the formation and management of the educational ecosystem: global trends, threats and directions of development
A. Chepurenko, A. Sutormina. Entrepreneurial university in Russia: a reassembling?


I. Balyuk, M. Balyuk. Rising global public debt as a factor of world monetary system's enhanced instability
I. Yarygina. Carbon offset funding in developing countries: challenges and respects



N 3, 2024



B. Mardonov. Ways to improve economic mechanisms for the development of the service sector (based on the example of Uzbekistan)
A. Rasulev. S. Voronin. B. Koraboev. Methodological problems of taxation in the Republic of Uzbekistan
B. Bataeva, L. Cheglakova, O. Melitonyan. Specific features of motivating environmentally responsible behavior of small and medium businesses in Russia


M. Fedorova. Labor and social contradictions and their influence on the development of human potential of Russia


D. Mukha. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of science, technology and innovation for SDGs roadmaps
T. Galeev. Building up an artificial intelligence industry in Russia: problems and prospects


K. Siparo. Trade and economic cooperation between Russia and the Republic of Belarus within the framework of the Union state
M. Zharikov. An alternative settlement system for the BRICS countries
I. Medvedev. Connection of BRICS and EAEU integration projects in the context of Russian economic development



N 2, 2024



А. Aganbegyan. On the applicability of China’s experience to helping Russia in the transition to socio-economic growth based on the development of technological and intellectual potential
Yu. Knyazev. On the inapplicability of general economic approaches to countries lagging behind in economic development 
M. Atakishiyev. Current state and prospects for the development of the green economy of Azerbaijan


I. Groshev, S. Koblov, V. Klyushnikov. Specificity of managing the resource potential of scientific and knowledge-intensive organizations in Russia at the present stage of economic development
V. Utkin. Problems of copyright for the products created by artificial intelligence


S. Lutsenko. On investment strategy of the company adjusted to the state monetary policy
A. Sukharev, O. Smirnova. Dilemma of the investment strategy: dividend cut-offs (retrospective analysis)


S. Kapkanshchikov. "Justice vs efficiency" dilemma in the context of Russia’s regional economic policy
N. Sheleg, S. Romanovich. Improving methodological support for balanced development of the regional market for consumer goods



N 1, 2024



O. Sukharev. "Evolutionary economics": possibilities for forming the policy of growth and technological changes


D. Kondratov. Does Russian gas have a future in China?
M. Atakishiyev. Current state and prospects for the development of the green economy of Azerbaijan


T. Baranenkova. Healthy and active longevity of the population of Russia is an important socio-economic problem
I. Morozova, A. Dmitriev, D. Ocheretyanaya. The level of volunteer activity as an indicator of the effectiveness of management of the non-profit sector of the economy
M. Guleva. Self-education in China: features and role of the segment in the development of human capital


P. Kohno, A. Kohno, V. Kohno. On improving value chains by integrated
A. Volkov. Approaches to optimizing the costs of wholesale trading companies in modern realities


B. Kheyfets. “BRICS plus” is a natural outcome of cumulative integration in the context of geopolitical fragmentation of the world economy


S. Baskakov. On methodological tools for studying problems of the development of agro-industrial complex



N 12, 2023


Yu. Pavlenko. Civilizational and formational components in the development of the modern state
St. Dolmatova. The problems of fulfilling human potential in the field of scientific research: global challenges and Russian realities
S. Chernykh. Institutions of science administration in Russia: problems and solutions
G. Anisimova. State paternalism and economic inequality: the practice of the USSR and modern realities
T. Sokolova. Socio-political factors of the Caspian region's economic development
T. Shendik. Party building as a specific area of scientific research and а category of political science
D. Еgorov. Why the USSR collapsed (on the value foundations of ideologies
K. Yankov. Assessment of the territorial concentration of remotely employed workers according to coworking data
A. Shlikhter. The middle class in the US and Russia: distinctive features, structural changes, problems in the labour market and social mobility
V. Zhokhova. Research of a complex of marketing communications in the market of medical services


N 11, 2023


T. Chubarova. Healthcare financing: possible answers to modern challenges
V. Dadalko, V. Nikolaevsky, S. Sidorenko. "Digital economy" as conceptual voluntarism in economic management
O. Lemeshonok. Reproduction of human potential in modern conditions of education system functioning
S. Ilyina. Activation of R&D in the field of electronic engineering to ensure technological independence
Yu. Vologova. ICT-sector in the face of external instability: features of resource provision and key economic parameters
S. Sternik, S. Semenov. On methods of financing climate projects through PPP and their applicability in Russia
B. Kuliev. Cost optimization problems and ways of increase efficiency in household services
N. Sheleg, E. Andros. Diagnostic assessment of the modern consumer market of the Republic of Belarus
E. Serbina. Eximbank of China and Agricultural Development Bank of China: International Aspect of Activity


N 10, 2023


E. Lenchuk. To the readers of the journal “Society and Economics”
I. Smotritskaya. Public administration: from adaptation to development
B. Heyfetz. Globalization and deglobalization of the world economy in the era of chance. Some controversial issues
I. Soboleva. Employment in unfavorable working conditions and social well-being of workers
O. Gribanova. State property management: new realities and "old" problems
E. Artemenko. Open government mechanisms as a way to increase openness, accountability and anti-corruption in Russia
A. Martynov. The structure of the national economy of Russia: the phenomenon of a hybrid
L. Fedoskina, E. Evdokimova, I. Filippova. Evolution of approaches to confirming the quality and safety of products and services in Russia
R. Abdulov. Prospects for achieving technological sovereignty and economic security of Russia in the face of sanctions pressure
D. Mukha. Improving the definition of the category "investment" in the context of sustainable development


N 9, 2023


S. Kozlova. On methodological issues of the efficiency of state (mu-nicipal) property management under modern conditions
E. Sobolev. Crisis of trade unions and transformational changes in labour relations
A. Amosov. On the positive impact of the embargo on the export of raw materials on technological development and economic self-reliance of the Russian Federation
I. Kvashnina. Changes in global foreign direct investment flows and achievement of the sustainable development goals
D. Tazetdinova. On the factors of growth of the middle class
E. Vafin, S. Kiselev. Methodological aspects of the study of the resource potential of pension system
V. Andrianov. The System of Socialism with Chinese characteristics and the peculiarities of China's Social Market Economy Model
S. Anikeev, P. Kokhno. On the technologies of decentralized social networks


N 8, 2023


S. Dolmatova. Polycrisis globalization or sustainable development 4.0?
P. Kokhno. Automated control systems and their task
A. Sedlov. Dual labor market in Russian economic realities: indicators and assessment methodology in the context of modern challenges
I. Groshev, S. Koblov. Emotional resources of the modern market in the context of the formation of digital economy
S. Lutsenko. On the corporate financial policy under shocks and restrictions
N. Fedorinin. Economic behavior of Russian social entrepreneurs during the global financial and economic crisis
A. Kodirova. On the digital transformation of economic sectors: the example of agriculture
N. Trifonov. Country risk premium as an indicator of investment attractiveness (case of Republic of Belarus)
S. Boyjigitov. Analyzing the factors affecting grain and cereal products market in Samarkand region


N 7, 2023


A. Sukharev. On the balance of the federal budget: conceptual ideas and Russian experience
L. Svirina. Federal Property Management Agency: analysis of current key tasks and target performance indicators
A. Nanavyan. Economic inactivity and assessment of the economic burden of the population in the regions of Russia
E. Vafin, S. Kiselev. The resource potential of the state pension system and related social services as an object of research
I. Morozova, А. Dmitriev. Optimizing provision management for socially oriented non-profit organizations in Russia
R. Kuznetsov, T. Tumarova. Predicting NOVATEK share prices using the models of decision tree and linear regression
L. Abdullina, T. Romanishina, А. Bobovnikova, V. Smirnov, D. Nikitina, А. Blinov. Actual vectors of the transfoemation of Russian businesses within the framework of sustainable development strategy (ESG standards)
K. Pavlov, V. Zhdanovich. Development trends and problems in the chemical industry of the Republic of Belarus under increased sanction pressure
F. Bayboboeva. On factors threatening the economic security of light industry enterprises
Ekaterina Romanchuk. On the working practices of the International Development Association in the post-soviet states of Central Asia


N 6, 2023


K. Zavyalova. Cross-country inequality as a factor hindering the processes of further integration in the EAEU
S. Kapkanshchikov. Determinants of the instability of the Russian economic growth
P. Kokhno. Forecasting economic development on the basis of global and domestic experience
A. Veretennikova, К. Kozinskaya. Incentives and interests of economic agents when using the services of sharing economy
А. Salmina. The perception of inequality by the population and its objective indicators in the countries of the world: is there a relation-ship between the two?
I. Stepus, V. Gurtov. Shift employment in the economy of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation: dynamics, scale, and occupational classification of workers by categories
A. Rasulev, S. Voronin, A. Ubaydullayeva. Improving the use of excise tax in the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
V. Andrianov. The main stages of building a sustainable economy in South Korea


N 5, 2023


V. Belskiy. FOREWORD (to readers and authors of the journal "Society and Economics")
D. Mukha. Historical-etymological and theoretical-methodological features of the category "investment" 
Yu. Enin, L. Patsai. Dynamics of mutual trade of the EAEU member states as a characteristic of the effectiveness of integration processes
N. Sheleg, V. Samal. Attracting foreign investments into the economy of the Republic of Belarus
V. Golik, Yu. Enin, S. Razumova, T. Revitskaya, E. Sushkevich. The current trends in the development of marketing in the Republic of Belarus
N. Sheleg, L. Mingjing. Economic and trade cooperation between China and Belarus in the context of the “One belt and one road“ initiative
A. Bobrova, L. Voronetskaya. Scientific and methodological approaches to assessing the level of social security (using the example of Belarus)
A. Vankevich, O. Zaitseva. Development of the labour market in the Republic of Belarus: current trends and priorities 
A. Filiptsov. Agro-industrial complex and agricultural policy of the Republic Belarus in the EAEU
G. Yasheva, Yu. Vailunova. Developing the innovative system of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of clustering in the context of the digital economy
A. Danilchenko, S. Kharitonovich. Prospects for the formation of a knowledge-based model of economic development in the context of the priority development of knowledge-intensive services in the Republic of Belarus
A. Popkova. Stakeholder mapping for social entrepreneurship projects
A. Tetyorkina. Developing assistance to low-income citizens of the Republic of Belarus in ensuring food security


N 4, 2023


M. Fedorova. The development of the human potential in Russia: established trends and new challenges 
D. Fomina. Budget dynamics and economic situation: the results of 2022
S. Busalova, A. Gubarev, L. Fedoskina, M. Egorov. The content of the human resource management process in the quality management system
A. Kalinin. Reducing foreign presence in the Russian manufacturing industry: the results of 2022 and the immediate prospects
D. Kondratov. The future of the global market for natural gas
T. Rodionova, A. Aistov, E. Aleksandrova. Health of the working population of Russia: the role of hazardous industries 
K. Siparo. Prospects for cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan in the context of the republic’s multi-vector foreign policy
A. Kadirov. Methodological aspects of assessing the economic sustainability of industrial enterprises


N 3, 2023


I. Smotritskaya, N. Frolova. Development estimates of corporate governance institute in Russian economy
A. Teguin, V. Teguin. The role of gold in eliminating the dollar in Russia’s international settlements 
A. Bobkov, Ya. Gulina. Damping threats to the national economy using digital instruments of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Yu. Bolshakova, S. Bolshakov. Problems and processes of modern economic integration 
K. Pavlov. Directions, forms and assessment of the development of interregional economic relations 
E. Romanchuk. IMF assistance to Uzbekistan in overcoming the problems of the socio-economic model of development 
S. Mikhnevich, E. Mikhnevich. On some aspects of the digitalization of health and the development of the global e-health market
B. Bizengin, E. Bakkuev, M. Eneeva, M. Gazaeva. The present-day state, problems and prospects of the grain sector of agriculture in Kyrgyzstan


N 2, 2023


P. Kokhno, A. Kokhno. High-tech industrial production in a competitive environment
M. Votinova, A. Bobkov. On global food security challenges
A. Sedlov. Cheap labor and economic growth: trends of the Russian labor market in the context of the SMO in Ukraine
Yu. Knyazev. On the disadvantages of GDP as a universal macroeconomic indicator
A. Sukharev. Using artificial intelligence for stock trading: present and future
E. Vafin, I. Gilyazutdinova, S. Kiselev. Conceptual approaches to the formation of the resource potential of the pension system of Russia
A. Shlikhter. Precarization of the US labor market and the concept of a universal basic income



N 1, 2023


O. Sukharev. Monetary policy for economic growth in Russia: accumulative slowing effect 
S. Chernykh. Soft power methods in politics and economics 
S. Kapkanshchikov. Excessive income inequality in Russia as a threat to economic growth and societal security 
Ye. Shestakova. Adhesion to well-established practices or a new look at the problem: pension systems in the states of East Asia
T. Ladygenskaya, O. Kostina. The impact of the digital economy on the management of state property: problems and prospects for implementation in the regions
D. Tazetdinova. The definition of the middle class within the frame-work of the economic approach
K. Ushakov. Demographic trends in the development of the resources in the territories of the Far North: the Republic of Komi 
D. Frolov, А. Dmitriev, S. Volkov, O. Akimova. The specific features of the formation of development institutions by socially oriented non-profit organizations in old industrial regions (exemplified in the case of the Volgograd region



N 12, 2022


T. Sokolova. Human potential of the EAEU countries: challenges and threats at the time of reformatting the post-soviet area
N. Kulikova, I. Sinitsina. Russia and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe: the new "iron curtain"
A. Martynov. On the national strategy of sustainable development
I. Nikolaev. Russian industries and the formation of a new economic model of Russia in the context of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
P. Limarev. The possibilities for the provision of government support to small and medium-sized businesses in the face of sanctions
Е. Romanchuk. IMF cooperation with developing countries: the experience of Central Asia
N. Danilina. Gamification as a new interpretation of the game in the digital economy: theoretical and practical rationale
R. Vasilyeva, V. Voytenkov, A. Urazbaeva. The impact of the structure of government spending on economic growth in the regions of Russian Federation


E. Zotova. Production, science, education: future scenarios. VIII international congress (PSE-2021)



N 11, 2022


Yu. Pavlenko. The factors of the economic development of the modern state: an essay 
P. Kokhno, A. Kokhno. On some methods and models of managing defence industry
G. Anisimova. State paternalism: socio-economic inequality and investment dynamics 
E. Sobolev. Differentiation and equalization in wage policy in Russia throughout the XX century 
A. Pylin. Impact of anti-russian sanctions on the economy of the South Caucasus countries: unexpected effects and consequences
A. Sedlov. Institutional features of the russian market of foreign labour (in the context of modern challenges)
O. Lemeshonok. Overcoming corruption as a prerequisite for strengthening the social and economic security of Russia
I. Proshin, N. Korobkova. Perspectives for using food stamps as an instrument of social support of the poor in the Russian Federation
V. Studentsov. Japan: a farewell to communitarian capitalism?


M. Pavlov. Russian political economy of the XXI century: the study of the individual’s role



N 10, 2022


A. Kolganov. The economic function of state paternalism: the preoduction of patronized goods or investments in development?
М. Voeykov. The state, market economy and civil society
V. Biryukov. Paradigmatic features of the development of institutional strategies for studying modern economy
A. Amosov. On the influence of ideology on the governance of the state and the economy 
T. Galeev. The specificity of innovative technologies’ implementation conditioned by Russian economic model
B. Ahmadov. Assessing the impact of oil revenues and national savings on the exchange rate in Azerbaijan
A. Rasulev, S. Voronin, D. Ugay. Improving tax incentives for water saving in the commercial sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan
A. Shemet. Theoretical rationale for a unified personnel policy of the participants of the innovative infrastructure of the Republic of Belarus



N 9, 2022


D. Еgorov. On the normativity of mainstream economics (what a positive economic theory may look like) 
I. Nikolaev, O. Tochilkina. Assessing the costs of transition to low-carbon economy 
V. Klavdienko. State support for research and innovation in the business sector: foreign experience 
A. Shafranskaya. The constitutional aspects of the formation of a strategic planning system 
I. Balyuk, M. Balyuk. Institutional and functional contradictions of the present-day global financial architecture 
S. Kapkanshchikov. The Central Bank of Russia fighting the “Dutch disease”: the effectiveness of the policy chosen is questionnable
А. Galchenko, A. Teguin, V. Teguin. “Authoritarian” countries live better than their peripheral “democratic” neighbors 
W. Jilu. On economic cooperation between China and Russia in the context of the Ukranian crisis


A. Belyaeva, E. Pecheritsa. Introducing digitalization in forensic and economic expertise



N 8, 2022


A. Kolomiets. A society engulfed by uncertainty and risk: the inconsistency of institutional transformations 
B. Heyfetz. State support for export of high-tech products of small and me-dium business in Asian countries 
D. Kamari. Competences in the new model of economic development
M. Zharikov. Multilateral financial institutions of the BRICS member countries in the context of new anti-russian sanctions 
V. Silnyagina, D. Gilev. Assessing sustainability factors for credit institutions based on quantitative analyses methods 
P. Limarev, Ju. Limareva. On the information management tools used at industrial enterprises
A. Bobkov, U. Merkusheva. Damping key threats to food security
K. Ushakov. The socio-cultural aspect of mining: a hindrance or a resource for sustainable growth? 
M. Drahun, I. Ivanouskaya. The urban agglomeration: the concept, the de-velopment stages and mechanisms 
M. Arzumanyan. A socially oriented model of education as a human poten-tial development factor (with reference to Scandinavian countries)



N 7, 2022


On the death anniversary of K.I. Mikulskiy. А word about Konstantin Ivanovich Mikulsky, real scientist and friend
P. Kokhno. Assessing the need for and the scope of import substitution: a volumetric-structural model
N. Ziyadullaev. On the new phylosophy of regional cooperation in Central Asia
V. Cherkasov. On the integration of the digital currency of the central bank into the fiat money system
I. Kvashnina. Restrictions on cross-border capital flows in the context of foreign sanctions and Russia’s retaliation
T. Baranenkova. Protecting public health in Russia: the ecological aspect
L. Svirina. The analysis of the current state of the digital transformation of public administration and its problems
M. Styrov, L. Nosov, D. Kolechkov, M. Shishelov. On the competitiveness of manufacturing industry in the northern regions of Russia and the ways to improve it
A. Nanavyan. Assessing job satisfaction and job security in Russia
V. Kaganov, S. Lochan, D. Petrosyan. Financial education as a tool for the development of human capital



N 6, 2022


O. Sukharev, O. Afanasyeva. On the distribution of monetary policy toolsby targets of development
O. Gribanova. The main approaches to the management of state property in the context of modern challenges
S. Kapkanshchikov. A comparative analysis of the role of the oil and gas in-dustry in the economies of the former USSR and present-day Russia
A. Galchenko, A. Teguin, V. Teguin. The manifestations of systemic eco-nomic uncompetitiveness of the alliance of the core states of the world-economy
I. Medvedev. Institutional foundations for integrating national economies: the problem of stability of supra-national institutions
K. Daev. Dangers and risks of personal data loss
M. Kuznetsova, E. Zinovyeva, P. Limarev. Some approaches to increasing the turnover of a small commercial enterprise
A. Shlikhter. The successes and failures of the Joe Biden administration in the efforts to implement the anti-crisis social package


E. Pecheritsa, M. Karnaukhova. Russian and foreign approaches to deter-mining the financial security of enterprises management of state property in the context of modern challenges



N 5, 2022


I. Smotritskaya. Russian corporate sector: from a liberal model to state domination
Chernykh, N. Frolova. Development institutes in the government and business partnership
M. Zharikov, A. Gureev. Targeting Russian high-tech products of SMEs for foreign markets under new antirussian sanctions
V. Klavdienko. The distribution of primary income between labour and capital: new trends in the world economy
E. Volkova. Program-target approach effectiveness problems in the strategic management of Russian economy
Yu. Bolshakova. Using the ‘trust’ concept for the assessment of the effectiveness of public administration
E. Romanchuk. On the particularities of Russian assistance to the development of Central Asian countries


E. Popov, A. Veretennikova, D. Selezneva. Institutional support for the de-velopment of ‘sharing economy’ across the globe



N 4, 2022


Yu. Knyazev. On technological cycles in global economy
R. Malikov, K. Grishin, D. Sultangareev. Forecasting the productivity of regional entrepreneurial ecosystems
Ju. Chistiakova. Financial analysis of criminal bankruptcies
K. Pavlov, N. Asadullina. Innovative development of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the context of digitalization of the economy
M. Fedorova. Non-profit organizations as structural elements of society and their role in the implementation and development of human potential
D. Еgorov. About modern globalization, the ideology of the economic mainstream and its possible theoretical alternative
V. Buyanov, L. Andrianova. The 20th anniversary of the Russian IPO mar-ket: analysis and forecast
P. Kohno, A. Kohno. Problems of import substitution at enterprises of the military-industrial complex




N 3, 2022


A. Amosov. On digital economy and artificial intelligence in historical perspective
E. Sobolev, I. Soboleva. The employment model and labor policy in Russia
A. Sukharev. The unobservable as an economic category
S. Lutsenko. Improving national and supra-national elements of the long-term economic development policy in the EAEU member states
S. Mikhnevich. On some trends in global e-commerce shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic 
G. Maslov, T. Stepanova. The development of human potential, creative work, and the "creative class": the theoretical developments of Russia and China
A. Rassulev, S. Voronin, D. Ugay. Regulation of water consumption in Uzbekistan: on the applicability of foreign experience 
V. Andrianov. The main trends in the implementation of the strategy of digital transformation of the economy and society in the Republic of Korea
O. Komolov. PRC'S global expansion and new trends in the world economy




N 2, 2022


M. Golovnin. An overview of the Institute of economics of RAS research: studies in economics and economic policy 
O. Sukharev. "Investment tunnel" of the Russian economy and the need to get out of it 
O. Kislitsyna, T. Chubarova. National healthcare system performance index: methodological approaches and results for Russia 
E. Rudyk. Innovative technologies for human resources management at the microeconomic level 
A. Ayrapetyan. International financial centers in new economic realities
T. Ladyzhenskaya. The peoples of Yugra: problems and prospects in the context of the development of the North and Arctic 
K. Volkova. Russian and Chinese strategy of participation in global value chains: case study (the production of led lamps) 
B. Ahmadov. Assessment of factors influencing the formation of savings of the corporate sector in Azerbaijan 
A. Shlikhter. Humanitarian activities of American NGOs and charitable foundations in developing countries




N 1, 2022


Yu. Pavlenko. Economic foundations and models of a welfare state in the context of state paternalism 
P. Kohno, A. Kohno. On the motivation of the industrial personnel
E. Shestakova. The main parameters of and mechanisms for the development of lifelong education of the adult population in the economically developed countries
G. Changjun. An analysis of trends and problems in the development of the Chinese-Russian internet-commerce and its ecosystem
D. Kamari. Artificial guarantor: weak ties in the society of technological development 
V. Biryukov. Paradigmatic framework for the development of monetary theories: features of formation 
Yu. Knyazev. Marxism vs. marginalism



N 12, 2021


V. Gusakov. Milestones in the development of International Association of the Academies of Sciences (IAAS)
A. Buzgalin, K. Khubiev, I. Tenyakov, A. Zazdravnykh. Growth and/or development: specificity of the Russian economic model 
E. Sobolev. The value aspect of human development in Russia
S. Kozlova. Improvement of methodological approaches to assessing the efficiency of public (municipal) property management 
E. Trifonov. Higher-level needs as the basis for the laws of human development 
I. Groshev, S. Koblov. Russia in the global market of Space technologies, industry and services
D. Petrosyan, V. Bezpalov, А. Stolyarova, L. Botasheva. Destructive soft factors influencing social security 
V. Dadalkо, I. Krylov, S. Sidorenko, G. Tchumak. On some issues of digitalizing production in the course of transition to Industry 4.0.
M. Yusupov, G. Ismailova. Strengthening food security based on the development of integration in the production and industrial processing of agricultural products



N 11, 2021


I. Smotritskaya, S.Chernykh. On the concept of the development of public administration in Russia
O. Sukharev. Institutionalism: on the rise or declining?
P. Kohno, A. Kohno. The importance of human capital for the development of arms industry
T. Sokolova. Social successes and failures of post-soviet integration
N. Ziyadullaev. Imperatives of the economic revival of Uzbekistan
A. Kalinin. On "tax productivity" of Russian manufacturing industry
V. Makeev. The basic concepts of social responsibility in the construction sector
A. Balanov. Assessing the readiness of the vocational education system for digitalization
E. Malysheva. Global value chains as a way to realize the export potential of small and medium businesses


A. Zatevakhina, T. Supataev. Project management methods in solving problems of ensuring economic security in the research of Russian and foreign scientists



N 10, 2021


A. Martynov. Evolution and sustainable development: what's the differrence?
V. Biryukov. The dualistic theory of value and the peculiarities of studying economics as a complex system
M. Fedorova. A systemic method of investigating the development of human potential: the individual as an economic and social actor
А. Rassulev, S. Voronin. The formation of an effective system of economic management is the main goal of modern reforms in Uzbekistan
I. Kvashnina. World capital flows under global instability
N. Makovskaya. Working time of belorusian managers: analysis and assessment
A. Yaroshenko. The evolution of the theoretical background of the cluster concept
I. Medvedev. South African experience in regulating parallel import of medicines



N 9, 2021


V. Andrianov. Global financial architecture: possible directions of structural transformation 
D. Kondratov. The international use of the chinese renminbi
D. Еgorov. On mainstream methodology: the decline of the scientific method or the advocacy of the status quo in economics?
I. Balyuk, M. Balyuk. Global external debt during COVID-19 pandemic
M. Styrov, L. Nosov. The competitiveness of industry in the northern regions of Russia: from profits to people
A. Sedlov. Deformations of the Russian labor market in the context of the use of cheap foreign labour: re-immigration and labor standards


S. Mikhnevich. Accession to the World trade organisation: a boon or a challenge?



N 8, 2021


Sergey Kapkanshchikov. The way of Russia from wWashington consensus to Beijing consensus: a sound choice 
Vladimir Andrianov. Current development trends in global financial architecture: fintech, digital technologies and cryptocurrencies
Konstantin Semenov, Galina Zelinskaya, Sergey Semenov. On the socio-economic significance of the development of deposits of complex minerals 
Victoria Kuzenkova, Marina Kuzmina. State support for startups 
Sergej Lutsenko. Putting the economic indicators of society wellbeing on the agenda 
Аlexander Navoyev. On the charasteristic features of evolutionary 
Pavel Kohno, Alina Kohno. Models of the parametric range of competitive products 
Dmitriy Kondratov. The internationalization of the chinese RMB: road to the status of a world currency 
Vasily Dadalko, Sergey Sidorenko, Dmitry Generalov. On the use of modern methods of organizing the production system as a way to ensure the competitive advantage of an industrial enterprise



N 7, 2021


Yuriy Shvetsov. Theory of digital economy 
Evgeny Rozhkov. Prospects for digitalization in Russia 
Lyudmila Ivanova. Social environment for activating economic growth 
Oleg Sukharev. Intelligent firm as a new kind of economic organization 
Elmira Naberushkina. Empirical analysis of attitudes to new forms of employment in the pandemic era 
Galina Gritcenko. Rural infrastructure development, based on public-private and municipal-private partnership 
Konstantin Pavlov, Nailya Asadullina. On modeling actual socio-economic factors and development trends in the Republic of Uzbekistan 
Alexey Shlikhter. The basic structure, typology, functions, revenues and expenditure of the tertiary sector in the U.S.




N 6, 2021


Yuriy Knyazev. On the incentives intensifying business investments 
Pavel Kohno, Alina Kohno. Budget allocations for national programs require integrated optimization 
Yakov Dolgov. The emergence of digital money as inherent to information society 
Timur Sharifyanov. Spatial approach to the definition of digital economy 
Mikhail Zharikov. An emerging new currency competition channel via the digital yuan 
Sviatlana Adashkevich. Agro-industrial complex of Belarus: its role in the formation of the country's GDP
Sergey Bolshakov, Yulia Bolshakova. Family policy in european countries: selecting priorities and differentiating support measures 



N 5, 2021


D. Еgorov. On the present-day state of economics from the standpoint of epistemological realism 
Yu. Liferenko. Reconstruction of capitalism in Russia, which is nearly incapable of developing the economy 
S. Lutsenko. The balance of economic interests of shareholders and management in corporate governance 
N. Poussenkova. Decarbonization policy of European and American oil companies 
D. Faikov, D. Baydarov. On the diversification of the military-industrial sector of the economy 
B. Heifetz, V. Chernova. Smart import substitution policy in the People’s Republic of China 
I. Balyuk. The USA external debt problem: is there a solution? 
A. Ageeva, N. Strelkovskii. Regulation of the migration policy of the European union countries in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic



N 4, 2021


S. Kozlova, O. Gribanova. The transformation of the authorized approaches to assessing the effectiveness of state and municipal property management in modern Russia
R. Dolzhenko, S. Dolzhenko. On the methodology of studying professional expert communities and assessing their role in the development of the national qualifications system 
A. Galthenko, A. Galthenko, V. Tegin. On the correct determination of GDP of the countries of the world economic center 
P. Kohno, A. Kohno. The contribution of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises to infrastructure development 
D. Kondratov. BRICS in the context of global instability: new challenges and development prospects 
A. Knippel, I. Chekhovskaya. Investment potential of Russian oil and gas companies in the context of economic crisis 
V. Gandel, B. Kuznetsov, I. Koroleva. A new paradigm in a low-rise housing construction




N 3, 2021


T. Subtselnаyа, P. Patron. On the prospects of monetary integration of the post-soviet countries 
А. Koshanov. The current industrial capacity of Kazakhstan and the problems of reindustrialization
I. Niyazmetov, S. Voronin, B. Koraboev, D. Ugay. Ways of property tax reform in the republic of Uzbekistan
А. Navoyev. Labor relations: problems of social justice
M. Kornilov, A. Kornilov. The new approaches to the precarization of intellectual labour in the context of neofeudal social order triumphant
E. Kubishin, A. Sedlov, I. Soboleva. Social, professional and regional aspects of poverty in the Russian Federation during of the pandemic
G. Gritsenko. Engineering infrastructure of rural areas (the case of Siberian regions)
A. Shlihter. Administrative and market methods of environmental regulation in the USA through the prism of federalism

Yu. Shvetsov. Russian realities complicate the digitalization of the economy



N 2, 2021


S. Chernykh. State capitalism in Russia: theory, practice and modern trends
L. Grinin. Negative interest rates and other latest financial technologies
D. Еgorov, A. Еgorova. How many paradigms are there in economic science?
I. Balyuk, M. Balyuk. Strategic planning as a tool for increasing the efficiency of national economy: foreign experience and Russian practice
O. Sukharev. Industrial production in Russia: research methods and development tasks N. Rozanova. Monopoly effects in the XXI century
N. Rozanova. Monopoly effects in the XXI century
I. Nikolaev, V. Cherepov, O. Sobolevskaya. Structural features of the economy and the depth of the economic crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic
I. Niyazmetov, S. Voronin, B. Koraboev, D. Ugay. International experience in real estate taxation




N 1, 2021


S. Kapkanshchikov. Strategic flaws of the resource-based model of Russian economy 
N. Solodilova, R. Malikov, C. Grishin. Management paradigms for the re-configuration of regional entrepreneurial ecosystems
V. Dadalko, S. Sidorenko, S. Dadalko. Education system and scientometrics in the information society
V. Avdiyskiy, N. Chalenko. Diversification risks in the Russian economy
L. Ivanova. On social sources of rural modernization in Russia
D. Litvintsev. The formation of housing classes, institutions of shared property and general meeting as a result of houzing privatization in Russia
E. Shestakova. Social protection programs before and during the pandemic: old and new challenges
A. Martynov. Sustainable general social transformation as a path to progress




N 12, 2020


K. Mikulsky. Questions for our future
V. Andrianov. Global systemic imbalances: the imbalance between the size of the world GDP and that of the global debt
S. Vinokurov, P. Gurianov. A modernization model for Russia: from cathcing up to innovating
I. Petrova. Popular culture and state paternalism: on the impact of cultur-al policy on the formation of behavioral stereotypes and values
P. Kokhno, A. Bondarenko. On the strategic efficiency of innovative pro-jects (considering the example of the aircraft industry)
S. Kabilov, F. Bayboboeva. The development of entrepreneurship as a leading factor in the economic recovery
L. Klimenko, A. Ermishina. Social capital as a factor of self-organization in the housing economy
A. Shurubovich. Eurasian integration as a factor of human resources de-velopment in the context of modernization of the national economies of the EAEU countries




N 11, 2020


K. Astapov. On the transformation of economic policy in the context of the 2020 crisis
S. Volkov. Creative economy and creative entrepreneurship: the academic dimension
N. Chalenko, K. Solodovnikova. Factors affecting budget sustainability of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: quantitative and quali-tative aspects
G. Gritcenko. Integration and corporatization in the AIC: pros and cons
R. Jabiev. The challenges of increasing productivity in the light of UNIDO indicators
D. Kondratov. Regulatory issues of CIFs at the international level
K. Pavlov, O. Nosova, N. Asadullina. Digitalization of the economy in the post-soviet area
Yu. Pavlenko. Social economy and civil society as state development re-sources mobilization factors
M. Keino. Greater Eurasia project and the EAEU: cooperation tasks
A. Sedlov. Population migration and the COVID-19 pandemic: historical markers and imperatives in international comparisons
Yu. Liferenko. About the feudalization of the current social and economic formation and the transition to a new one



N 10, 2020


P. Kohno, Yu. Еnin. On the development patterns of the world economy
L. Sergeev. Digital transformation of the fiscal processes on the national scale
D. Kondratov. The role of sovereign wealth funds in the economies of developing countries
E. Popov, A. Veretennikova, Yu. Muhamedyanova. International experience in the formation of social and innovative projects
I. Kvashnina. The specific features of foreign direct investment regulation in Russia
E. Rozhkov. On the advisability of nationalization of industrial enterprises that violate environmental legislation
L. Pakush, A. Efimenko, G. Gritsenko. The possible solutions of the problems arising in the dairy markets in the course of Russian-Belarusian integration
S. Lutsenko. About economic standards of behavior of participants of business
A. Dmitriev. On the factors restraining the growth of the return on the level of education for the development of Russian society



N 9, 2020


S. Kapkanshchikov. Countercyclical regulation of Russian economy: content, instruments, issues and potential resolutions
E. Stanislav, S. Bolshakov, Yu. Bolshakova. Performance assessment of public administration in international rankings
E. Mikhnevich. WTO agreement on government procurement as a tool for the promotion of fair competition
A. Nanavyan. Work experience and length of service of the population in various regions of Russia
I. Nikolaev, O. Sobolevskaya, O. Sobolevskaya. Economic losses caused by the premature deaths from COVID-19 pandemic
O. Miroshnichenko, A. Tarasova, V. Gamukin. Incomes of the population and the stability of the development of the banking sector in Russia
E. Shestakova. Organizational models and financial mechanisms for ensuring long-term care for the elderly: achievments and outstanding challenges
G. Anisimova. Flexible formats of learning: opportunities and limitations Nadezhda M. Rozanova 106-124 The aggravation of socio-economic inequality in Russia



N 8, 2020


I. Sinitsina. Social incentives and hindrances to the participation in the EU integration as observed within the new member states
A. Galchenko, N. Murzac, V. Tegin. On the attainability of the correct ranking of OECD countries in terms of labour productivity
А. Musaev. Мodeling the formation of the shadow economy by means of hidden profitability indicators
A. Sedlov. Priorities of external labour migration in Russia: a historical overview from the imperial past to the period of COVID-19 pandemic
C. Shadybekova. What role can small and medium-sized businesses perform in ensuring economic recovery in the Kyrgyz Republic?
U. Ziyadullaev. Integration into global economic relations as an integral part of the economy development strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
E. Akinfeeva, M. Nikonova. A research on the activities of state-owned corporations in Russia (Rosatom and Rostec in particular)




N 7, 2020


P. Savchenko. System phenomenon as a way of development of Russian civilization
S. Kapkanshchikov. Economic growth and the composition of government spending
O. Sukharev. Technological industrialization: modern and new opportunities
N. Talipova, Ja. Niyazaliev. The modeling of transborder economic processes in Central Asia
V. Tretyak. Basic income as a germ form of the assessment of free-time activities
A. Rasulev, S. Voronin, Z. Mukhitdinov. Tax reform in the Republic of Uzbekistan: the approaches used and their compliance with the criteria developed by leading schools of economic thought 
B. Kheyfets, V. Chernova. COVID-19 pandemic influence on global food security
N. Poussenkova. Reforming national oil companies: successes and failures



N 6, 2020


S. Marichev. The problem of Russia`s socio-economic modernization and the “path dependence” effect 
D. Egorov. Is value an excessive or a necessary category in economics?
S. Chernykh, I. Smotritskaya. Modern concepts of public administration and institutional risks
А. Rassulev, S. Voronin, Z. Muhitdinov. Modernization of the taxation system of the Republic of Usbekistan 
G. Gritcenko. Оn forecasting the development of the rural areas and of the AIС infrastructure
S. Lutsenko On public request for reforming the postgraduate studies system in the Russian Federation 
M. Zharikov. The euro after BREXIT and COVID-19 pandemic



N 5, 2020


T. Kochuev. Constructive public activity as a condition for the suc-cessful development of the country 
R. Makhmudov. On the scientific and theoretical foundations of the internet economy
I. Andras, A. Kabiak. Scientific and technological creativity of young people: in search of a new goal-directed motivation 
P. Kokhno, A. Kokhno, E. Tarasevich. The problems of managing the vertically integrated companies 
V. Dadalko, S. Dadalko, S. Sidorenko. The interaction between the sectors of higher education, business, state and society is vital for national security when building the information economy
G. Khalikulova. On the impact of insurance activity on the innova-tive development of the Republic of Uzbekistan 
I. Balyuk. The external debt problem goes global: its composition, proрspects and trends


V. Ivanov. Are there any prospects for progressive taxation?



N 4, 2020


V. Biryukov. Values, institutions, and economic development
E. Popov, A. Veretennikova, A. Safronova. The development of sharing economy as a trend in the transformation of economic relationships in the social area
N. Solodilova, R. Malikov, K. Grishin. Artificial entrepreneurial eco-systems as a regional business environment reconfiguration factor
A. Schlikhter. The impact of the fourth industrial revolution on the formation of human capital and the evolution of the global labor market
Yu. Liferenko. Generalized poverty and the ways to eliminate it
А. Dmitriev. On the formation of the institutional basis of civil society in modern Russia
S. Voronin. The methods to reduce poverty in Uzbekistan
А. Gorodetsky, N. Ziyadullaev. Eurasian integration in the context of national economic security



N 3, 2020


L. Mindeli, S. Ostapyuk, V. Fetisov. Thematic forecast of fundamental scientific researches in Russia until 2035 and the areas of its possible application
L. Sergeev. The economic nature of the substantive provisions of digital platforms
B. Rakhaev, M. Gazaeva, B. Bizengin. Locality and non-locality of economic systems
V. Shutilin. The present-day industrial policy of Belarus
Р. Кohno, А. Кohno. Assessing the innovative development of the rocket and space industry



N 2, 2020


Yu. Shvetsov. Digital banking in the age of virtual business
D. Еgorov, A. Еgorova. On the development of a nonequilibrium microtheory 
I. Nikolaev, T. Marchenko, O. Tochilkina. Economic calendar indicators
M. Kartseva, P. Arkadskova. Modernization of the poverty monitoring system in the Russian Federation in the context of the evolution of the concept of poverty
S. Lutsenko. The company as the alter ego of the shareholder
B. Kheyfets. Free trade zone EAEU-Singapore is a new preferential partnership for Russia


On the small business activity in the Commonwealth countries in 2017 and 2018



N 1, 2020


Yu. Knyazev. Is it possible to discern the pattern of the future in the present-day reality?
O. Sukharev. "Knowledge economy" and its contribution to the formation of economic growth rate
G. Korshunov, S. Kroitor. Digital literacy as a key factor in the successful adaptation of individuals and societies to digitalizing reality
S. Lutsenko. Rationality of behavior of Russian public companies' executives in cash flow management
P. Kokhno, A. Kokhno. High-tech industry in the context of digital transformation
I. Gurkov, A. Kokorina, Z. Saidov, S. Lapshin, I. Schetinin. Russian manufacturing subsidiaries of foreign corporations
in 2012–2018
G. Nikоlskaya. The discussion on immigration policy as a clear evidence of a split within the American society




N 12, 2019


L. Korel', E. Pavlyuk. The main features of the present-day Russian economy. The prevalence of development-decelerating factors (sociological considerations) 
V. Ilyin, A. Povarova, M. Morev. Russian "capitalism for the few" (case study of major ferrous metallurgy corporations)
V. Borisov, O. Pochukaevа. Russian investment equipment market: development or stagnation
H. Zaripov. Corporate fiscal planning in the Republic of Uzbekistan
M. Zharikov. On the development of a stock index of BRICS member countries' companies

A. Gonashvili. Understanding value orientations in sociology




N 11, 2019


V. Ivanova. Socio-economic relations in innovation and their functional modeling
А. Рroskurin, G. Balashova. Socio-ethical systems and their connections with the East-west cultural typology
N. Murzac, A. Galchenko, V. Tegin. On the need for pricemetric orientation when updating the economic system
S. Lutsenko, I. Kuznetsova, G. Babkov. The role of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation In the light of the emerging needs of national economy
А. Pylin. The factors challenging the coherence increase within the framework of the Post-soviet Eurasian integration
Y. Enin, N. Podobed. Directions of activation of internal trade in the framework of the EAEU
M. Safiullin, А. Abdukaeva, L. Elshin. Arch / garch-modeling in the study of the dynamics of the cryptocurrency market volatility (the bitcoin case)
E. Shestakova, Z. Dadabayeva, T. Sokolova. The labor migrants social security problem (EU and EAEU states' experience)
J. Bobanazarova. Effective socio-economic mechanisms to increase women's employment in rural areas
M. Volkova. The analysis of the nature of social protests




N 10, 2019


A. Shirov. Russian economy in 2019: problems and possible solutions
L. Mindeli, S. Chernykh. National security, strategic planning and budgeting problems in research and development
I. Petrova. The growing demand for government regulation as a result of macroeconomic instability at the turn of the millennium
Yu. Knyazev. The paradoxes of labour productivity
B. Kheyfets, V. Chernova. The impact of foreign trade on the affordability of food products in Russia
Yu. Enin, P. Kokhno, Q. Peiyu. Export of agricultural products of Belarus to China




N 9, 2019


A. Gorodetsky, N. Ziyadullaev. Transforming economy and society: national security priorities and Russian realities
L. Ivanova. Development institutions as an inherent part of economic process management
M. Safiullin, M. Savelichev, L. Elshin. Some blueprints for blockchain technologies development based on economic sociodynamics
Е. Bazhutova. On the development of regional strategy for controlling entrepreneurial activity
А. Sedlov. The imperatives behind european migration processes
I. Kvashnina. Cross-border investments and their impact on Russian economy
A. Kosarikov. The effect of post-industrial socioeconomic processes on the population growth rate
A. Kalinin. On the impact of the vat increase on the price level
S. Semenov, G. Zelinskaya, K. Semenov. Towards the protection of personal savings as a factor of socio-economic development



N 8, 2019


V. Ilyin, M. Morev, A. Povarova. Is Russia a welfare state?
M. Kornilov, A. Kornilov. Digital economy: paradoxes and perspectives
A. Koshanov. Socio-economic problems of the advancement of Kazakhstan’s agrarian-industrial complex (theoretical and practical issues)
Y. Gusakov. Foreign experience and step-by-step measures for the development of clusters in the agricultural-industrial complex
А. Savenkova, Е. Romantseva. American and Russian personnel motivation practices
S. Lutsenko. The role of juvenile justice in a welfare state
M. Zharikov. Currency wars within the existing international monetary system
A. Martynov. Comparing the present-day systemic transformation of Russian and Chinese economies: convergence or divergence?
V. Trishkin. On the duration of the working day and the working week



N 7, 2019


V. Ivanter. On the opportunities for the acceleration of economic growth in Russia
S. Mikhnevich. Robotization of the economy: a driver of economic growth or a factor of social tensions increase?
N. Rozanova, K. Parfenov. Business models of loyalty programs: prospects and limitations
А. Salmina. Comparative analysis of inequality indicators: characteristics and applications
М. Slipenchuk. On some water management problems in Russia
Socio-economic situation of countries Commonwealth of Independent States in 2018
The main socio-economic indicators of the countries of the Commonwealth
Housing construction
Labor market
Population income
International trade



N 6, 2019


K. Pavlov. The search for increasing the efficiency of innovative trends in economic development
E. Bazhutova. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of entrepreneurial activity
F. Vlasov. The costs of opportunistic behavior of social groups
Т. Kusainov, Zh. Zhakupova. The influence of the quality of human capital on the efficiency of Kazakhstan's economy
M. Smirnov. Administrative barriers and expenditures in the regulationof the agricultural land turnover
B. Bizengin, М. Eneeva, B. Kushova. Will the population growth of the regional capitals in the Northern Caucasus give
an impetus to their development?
S. Kalinina. On the financial behaviours of military personnel
S. Lutzenko. On granting the Russian Academy of Sciences the much needed status of a legal entity of the public law



N 5, 2019


I. Nikolaev, T. Marchenko, O. Tochilkina. Investment as a source of economic growth
V. Chebotarev , V. Ionov. The economic and legal problems of achieving the target indicator of the national program for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises
V. Biryukov. On the formation of the concept of time in economics in a changing scientific paradigm
E. Trifonov. On the inevitability of democratization of property relations
Е. Nekhoda, Е. Kaz. The interaction of government and business: moving towards the creation of shared values
A. Kalinin. On the reform of the executive power and the structures of the executive bodies in the Russian Federation
Yu. Enin, P. Kohno. The current state of and development prospects for belorusian-chinese trade and economic cooperation



N 4, 2019


P. Kokhno, A. Kokhno, S. Sitnikov. Decision-making systems in the development models of national economies
S. Lutsenko. On economic assessment of long-term and short-term interests in corporate governance
М. Fedorowa. On the social meaning of the principle of labor force reproduction costs compensation
E. Popov, M. Vlasov, N. Kengurogov. The problems of harmonization of social and economic development of the region
E. Shestakova. New trends in the provision of retirement benefits: from the experience of economically developed countries
А. Shlihter. Functioning of civil society institutions in the USA local government system
N. Ziyadullaev, U. Ziyadullaev. Development strategy of Central Asian states in the context of globalization and regionalization of the world economy
S. Bolshakov. The еconomic reforms in finno-ugric countries as appraised by the world bank index




N 3, 2019


V. Belski, T. Sadovskaya. The current challenges and development prospects for the institutional model of Belarus
T. Adoulo. Socio-economic policy of Belarus: the experience and the strategy for the future development 
E. Babosov. Quality of life as the main criterion of the economic system efficiency 
G. Sokolova. The social aspects of the innovative economy formation in Belarus 
A. Bykau, S. Vysotsky, O. Kolb, N. Khaustovich, T. Khvalko. The input-output analysis of structural changes in the Belarusian economy 
Е. Gusakov. An analysis of economic and production development of belarusian agro-industrial complex and its prospects as a megacluster
Т. Тkalich. Assessing the growth prospects for digital economy in the republic of Belarus 
N. Sheleg, N. Podobed. Stimulating the development of innovative infrastructure of the republic of belarus within the framework of public-private partnership 
S. Kroitor. New business models and non-standard forms of employment in conditions of digital transformation: sociologist’s perspective
I. Andras. Business-incubation of small business in Belarus
P. Kokhno. Belarusian-Russian integration processes
N. Sheleg. The external trade of Belarus




N 2, 2019


Yu. Knyasev. On the social nature of modern state
N. Rozanova. Digital ecosystem as a new business configuration in the XXI century
Yu. Shevtsov, N. Suntsova, V. Koreshkov. The evolution of commercial banks in digital economy
V. Ivanova. А mathematical model of estimation of sustainability and dynamics of innovative activity
A. Koshanov. Urbanization and the problems of territorial development
R. Malikov, C. Grishin. Towards the modernization of educational components of regional entrepreneurial ecosystems
D. Ananikyan. Paralegal operations with cash money: regulation vector


Demographic situation in the Commonwealth countries in 2017

International comparisons



N 1, 2019


L. Mindeli, V. Vasin. On the way to the knowledge society: the formation of the national cognitive space
P. Kokhno, A. Kokhno. Models and instrumental methods for corporate management of production companies
A. Gousev, M. Yurevich. The problems of "digital" goal-setting within the government S&T policy in the regions comprised by federal entities of the Russian Federation
I. Anokhov. Social networking as a catalyst for the formation of social capital and the economic development of a city
D. Emelyanov. The giffene effect and the paradoxes of potato and cereal consumption by Russian households, with real incomes falling
N. Makovskaya. The specifics of employment and unemployment in Belarus: its forming factors
I. Balyuk. On modern international debt market and the predominant trends in its evolution
A. Schlichter. Regulation and financing of social programs in the USA in the context of state-federal relations


Monetary relations in the CIS countries in 2012-2017



N 12, 2018


Regulations On the international Association of academies of Sciences
Resolution of the Council Of the international Association of academies of Sciences of September 21, 2018 № 274
I. Nikolaev, T. Marchenko. Achieving n economic breakthrough (a closer look at Russia and other countries’ experiencee)
I. Petrova. Skills gap and cultural reproduction
B. Kheyfets. Prospects for the development of the EAEU as a new format of interaction with the outside world
Yu. Taranukha. On the new phenomena in capitalist economies
Yu. Enin, P. Kokhno. The Chinese-Belarusian "Industrial park "Great Stone" as a special zone of economic growth for Belarus
and the neighbouring countries
A. Degtyarev, G. Degtyarev. The development of pension systems: Russian and foreign experience


Education in the Commonwealth countries



N 11, 2018


А. Martynov. On the ideology of the prospective world progress (a turn towards sustainable development of human society)
Zh.Toshchenko. On the formation of a new social stratum, termed "precariat" as a totally new phenomenon
А. Navoyev. The multidimensional problem of improving people's Welfare
Е. Skoblikov. Treasury blockchain vs digital economy
А. Govorova. The fragmentation of the global energy governance system
S. Chernykh, N. Frolova. On the participation of russian business in the financing of scientific and technological research and development (economic and ideological aspects)
T. Kussaiynov. On the perspective of qualitative upgrading of economic education
A. Sedlov. The transformation of modern migration models: from liberalism to limitations
T. Sokolova, E. Shestakova. The social basis for the inter-state integration (the case of the EU and CIS)




N 10, 2018


Yu. Knyazev. On the interpretation of property categories in the latest researches by russian authors
M. Sherstnev. On the nature of crisis phenomena in russian economy
B. Trifonov. Towards the appropriate transformation of russian social security system
T. Turdiyev. The elimination of poverty as the main precondition for ensuring strategic security of Kyrgyzstan
P. Kokhno, A. Kokhno. The methodology of investment in innovative activity of industrial enterprises
V. Chukaeva, D. Gilev. A study of the correlation between macroeconomic indicators and the probability of enterprise bankruptcy in the construction industry
А. Barinov. Microfinance in Russia
M. Volkova. On the methodological foundations of the quality of life analysis. Historical aspect
I. Petrova. Secondary education in the usa: an effort to introduce uniform educational standards within a multicultural society
G. Sokolova. The labour market of a small town in the regional context of the Republic of Belarus
S. Lutzenko. Development agencies as drivers of russian technological and economic breakthrough




N 9, 2018


A. Sidorovich. New economics and political economy
D. Egorov. Towards the consistency and coherency of micro- and macro-models of the economic systems
S. Bolshakov. Project management practices: the experience of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe
R. Jabiev. The implications of labor productivity indicator
V. Ivanova. The mechanisms for the formation of direct social ties in innovative activities
N. Kulikova, I. Sinitsina. On the experience of flat income tax imposition in Central-Eastern Europe
V. Biryukov. Culturological paradigm of the perception of economic reality
L. Sheynin. The problem of pricing in waste recycling


Т. Ilina, В. Tussupbayeva. To the classification of banking risks


Macroeconomics and finances of the CIS and other countries of the world 2013-2017



N 8, 2018


A.Aganbegyan. The vat rise and the increase in the retirement age are not the measures to start with, when setting about he solution of long-run problems
V. Makarov, A. Bakhtizin, M. Volkova, E. Sushko. The agent-oriented approach to the simulation of the processes of tracking the money laundering and the financing of terrorism
Yu. Liferenko. To go forward means to revive the market economy
D. Kondratov. Modern trends in the evolution of the global monetary and financial system
N. Ziadullaev. U. Ziadullaev. The ways of ensuring national interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the process of interaction with international financial institutions
S. Mitrovic. The assessment of risks of modern information systems used in the economic analysis of organizations' activities
N. Novichkov, O. Dolganova, A. Novichkova. On the assessment of the company readiness for digital transformation
Z. Zeynalov. The assessment of the economic efficiency of banks' leasing activity
N. Simutina, E. Kharchenkova. Assessing the economic performance indicators of the Russian far east as a territory of priority development


N. Anoshkina. The calculation of credit losses in commercial banks



N 7, 2018


E. Trifonov. About the prospects of the evolution of socioeconomic model of russian society
Yu. Knyazev. About the need for and the feasibility of macroeconomic planning in russian market economy
М. Ibragimova. The uzbec model of economic development and the importance of private entrepreneurship and small business for the economy of Uzbekistan
V. Klavdienko. Tax incentives for business enterprises to engage in innovative activity and research in China
I. Anokhov. Mass and lean production
Ye. Balaban, А. Galchenko, V. Tegin. Dynamic equilibrum of prices for high-tech tangible products within the framework of the price-metric paradigm
A.Navoyev. The consumer of services as the most vulnerable party in the russian system of civil-law relationships
A.Shlihter. The concept of sustainable development and the evaluation of the quality of life
G. Nicolskaya. The protectionism of Donald Trump and the global labor market
S. Lutsenko. The immunity of high-ranking statesmen as a legal concept intrinsic to the sovereign state



N 6, 2018


D. Kondratov. The present-day global monetary system and its development prospects
B. Kheyfets, V. Chernova. Import substitution can not be a long-term strategy 
О. Sheraliev. Economic and investment attractiveness and geoeconomic importance of the project "The economic belt of the silk road"
I. Vershinin, A. Kornilov, S. Baykov. The results of monitoring R&D expenditures of Russian companies listed in the RBC500 rating
F. Vlasov. The need for harmonization of social and economic relations in Russia and the ways to achieve IT 
A. Delakhova. Providing the population of the arctic and northern districts with socially important food products

The socio-economic situation of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2017



N 5, 2018


The impact of the external factors on the deepening of the 2014–2016 crisis in russia's econоmy 
N. Nurlanova, A. Rasulev. Central Asia: new opportunities and new risks for sustainable development of national economies 
A. Shiryaev. On some effects of robotization of industrial processes
I. Medvedev. Parallel import into the EAEU
A. Pylin. The problems of Georgia's economy and the prospects for its modernization in the context of Euro-Atlantic integration
E. Popov, А. Veretennikova, K. Kozinskaya. Institutional environment of social entrepreneurship throughout the world 
B. Abdulloev. The evaluation of socio-economic efficiency of motor transport in a free-market economy 
S. Lutsenko. The setting of targets by the parliament and political parties in a real democracy


N 4, 2018


A. Martynov. About a universal theory of economic system transformation
Yu. Knyazev. Competition and cooperation in contemporary economy
P. Kokhno, A. Kokhno. Strategic way of economic development – the enterprise of collective forms of managing 
L. Mindeli, S. Chernykh. Russian science: yesterday, today, tomorrow
F. Urunova. Activation of participation of commercial banks of Uzbekistan in project financing 
Yu. Ezroh. Increase quality of higher education: viewing of studentseconomists

Demographic situation in the Commonwealth countries
Labour cost in the Commonwealth countries



N 3, 2018


A. Karpova, N. Grineva. The application of fuzzy logic methods in the evaluation of informational impact on the political, social and economic processes
M. Sukhareva. Analysis of the «homo economicus» model in the knowledge economy
S. Thamokova. Methodological aspects of the implementation of enterprise development strategies
S. Chebotarev, V. Chebotarev, V. Ionov. High-tech small-scale and medium-scale enterprises as the strategic resource of revival for Russian economy
E. Shestakova. Ensuring sustainability and control of non-state pension funds
I. Buzdalov. The present-day socio-economic characteristics of Russian agriculture and the ongoing systemic agrarian crisis
K. Pavlov, V. Selin. The manufacturing industry in the Extreme North region of Russia after the implementation of economic sanctions by the Western Powers
B. Bizengin, M. Eneevа, B. Kushova, А. Shakhmurzova. Could "the turn to the east" become growth and development driver for the national economy of Russia
A. Navoyev. On some problems with the free market economic theory




N 2, 2018


N. Smirnov. Theoretical issues of economic forecastin
V. Kashirin, A. Sysoev. Problems of the Russian economy of the early XXI century: technologies, innovations, investments
P. Kohno, A. Kohno. Problems of the advancing branch development of competitive economy of Russia
I. Nikolaev, T. Marchenko, O. Tochilkina. The gender gap in pay
S. Lutsenko. Uncertainty of economic interests (goals) of corporate governance
I. Balyuk. Development of the Russian stock market’s debt segment in the context of its dependence on the international debt market
A. Belyakov. Revisited inflation (drastic decreasing of inflation in our economy in transition with deficit condition not only justified, but also impossible)

T. Kochuev. Education is the most important economic factor
Zh. Pirimbaev. Kyrgyz-turkish cooperation in the field of education
L. Konstanz. Experience of Implementing of the American System of Higher Education (in Central Asia)

R. Jabiyev. Мorality must become the conviction of every

Investment in fixed capital in the Commonwealth countries in 2010–2016 and the first half of 2017
Education in the CIS countries



N 1, 2018


G. Bazhenov, A. Maltsev. Modern heterodox directions of economic theory in the context of transformation of mainstream
A. Kuprianov. Zero-growth economy. How it could be measured?
G. Korovin. Digitalization in the context of the new industrialization in Russia
V. Andrianov. Welfare is not for everyone
E. Bayldinov. Culture and economic behavior
E. Denisevich, А. Sultanova, Yu. Gavrik. About the concept and essence of informal entrepreneurship
M. Sokolov. On the new realities in the oil trade on the world market



N 12, 2017


K. Mikulski. On the political economy foundations of modern Russian society
Yu. Knyazev. About interaction of innovative and social development
L. Zevin. Regional economic integration in XXI-st century
A. Sedlov. Imperatives of labor immigration to Russia: migration inflows form west and east in the context of migration laws
P. Kokhno, A. Kokhno, Yu. Penkova. Problems of the taxation of the income of natural persons: domestic and foreign experience
L. Sheynin. Re-alignment cultural landscapes: social and ecological side effects and the problem of their economical account
A. Shlihter. Corporate social responsibility: conceptions and practices in the West and in Russia
B. Kheyfets. The policy of «open doors» and economic integration is Vietnamʼs response to the challenges of the global economy of the 21st century

The main socio-economic indicators of poverty in the CIS countries
The review of international practice methods of evaluating multidimensional poverty



N 11, 2017


А. Gusev, А. Ladnyy, Е. Beloklokov, М. Yurevich. On the state assignment in the sphere of science
A. Ermilov. Problems of typology of managerial and economic relations
E. Trifonov. Private property in the system of property relations
A.Belyakov, I.Turuev. History of world financial crisis – this is the history of the unbounded overestimation of the courses of national currencies
P. Savchenko. The role of the social-economic System of the Russian society in the functioning of the national economy
G. Degtyarev, A. Degtyarev. The idea of rationality
D. Egorov. Microtheory and value
А. Prigorneva. Current problems of municipal financial control
D. Ivanov. Prospects for Kazakhstan’s relations with the European Union in the context of crisis phenomenon in Europe
G. Alimova. The problems of entrepreneurship development in Kyrgyzstan

Production and use of gross domestic product in the CIS countries in 2016 and its forecast in the world on average, the most important amalgamations of the countries of the world
Gross external debt and international reserves in the CIS countries in 2014–2016



N 10, 2017


L. Mindeli, S. Ostapyuk, S. Chernykh. Long-term forecasting of the Russian basic science: methodological aspects
N. Eisen, V. Gorbunov. Management of innovative development in the system «science–production–consumption»
A. Kosarikov, P. Gegez.. Dynamics of energy consumption upon transition to a post-industrial stage of development
R. Karlibaeva. Financial strategy of the joint-stock companies in the stock market
S. Lutsenko. The financial policy of the Russian companies in the conditions of debt restrictions
А. Berdigulova, U. Hikmatov. Specificity of inf lation processes in Tajikistan
A. Shabunova, G. Leonidova, K. Ustinova. Labor potential of modern Russia: old trends, current challenges
M. Voeykov, G. Anisimova. Social context of economic inequality is in Russia
B. Trifonov. The problem of increasing expenditures on social protection and ways to solve it
O. Akimova. How to create a positive image of entrepreneurship in Russia?
R. Dolzhenko, S. Ginieva. About using the professional communities in the personnel management



N 9, 2017


Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation I. Tasmagambetov. Appeal to the readers of the journal "Society and economy"
A. Satybaldin. Social-economic development of Kazakhstan: main trends, problems and perspectives
K. Sagadiev. Through thorns towards market economy
A. Koshanov. Eurasian economic union: opportunities and restrictions
O. Sabden. Innovative projects of accelerated economic development
N. Nurlanova, N. Brimbetova. Inclusive development in the spatial context: features, problems and opportunities of Kazakhstan
S. Svyatov, M. Skiba. Higher education: global trends and the Kazakhstan case
G. Kaliyev, A. Moldashev. Problems of the development of the agrarian sector of Kazakhstan
F. Dnishev, F. Alzhanova. Kazakhstan innovation system formation and development features
О. Еgorov, О. Chigarkina. Development of oil processing sector as factor of effective functioning national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
S. Akhanov, M. Bubeev. Kazakhstan’s financial sector in turbulent conditions
S. Kaliyeva, M. Meldakhanova. Features of labor migration in the Republic of Kazakhstan
S. Primbetov, A. Akhunbayev. Status, problems and prospects of financial system of Kazakhstan
S. Gaysina. The quality of life of the population under the condition of social modernization
Z. Chulanova. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of an effective model of social and labor relations in Kazakhstan under conditions of innovative development



N 8, 2017


V. Ivanter. Structural-investment component of long-term economic strategy of Russia
P. Kokhno, A. Kokhno. Leasing investment mechanism of the industrial enterprises
R. Jabiyev. Topical issues of improving the efficiency of Azerbaijan’s economy in the face of declining oil prices and devaluation of the manat
S. Chebotarev, I. Grigorenko, V. Ionov. Systemic development of small and medium enterpreneurship as a strategic factor of economic growth and national security
N. Makovskaya. Social and labor costs in the Belarusian economy in the context of European standards
А. Shlihter. Green politics of friendly to nature large companies
B. Bizengin, M. Eneevа. Change is brewing in the world hegemonic countries
A. Belyakov, I. Turuev. In search of new economic model (the choice of existing concepts of economic restructuring needs to be expanded)



N 7, 2017


Yu. Knyazev. Objective market and subjective intentions: what strategy to choose
A. Martynov. About initial sources of economic system transformation
V. Pleschenko. About the institutional environment of Russian society, and the prospect of building new coordination structures
P. Kokhno, A. Kokhno. Indicators and mechanisms for increase of efficiency of activity of industrial enterprises and corporations
A. Kalinin, M. Osolodchenko. Best available techniques as a tool of the state industrial policy
Yu. Liferenko. Market economic reforms: experience of Russia and China's experience

E. Galaeva, Yu. Kumar. Modern trends in the evolution of social policy in OECD countries

The socio-economic situation of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2016




N 6, 2017


A. Varshavsky. On the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Economy
S. Arbuzov. Methodological foundations of an estimation of economic security level
S. Lutsenko. The Role of information in construction of effective corporate governance
A. Aleshina, V. Gurgenidze. Systematic risk in financial markets
I. Evdokimova, S. Koytov. Forming partnerships as a means of achieving competitive advantage
V. Andrianov. Current problems of Russian energy industry and perspectives for development
E. Popov, N. Popova, D. Kochetkov. On the phenomenon of scientific imperialism
E. Galaeva, Yu. Kumar. Contemporary dynamics of key indicators of the world economy



N 5, 2017


I. Nikolaev, T. Marchenko, O. Tochilkina. Russian economy prospects and particularities of structural crises development
P. Kokhno, A. Kokhno, S. Sitnikov. Indicators and models of an assessment of efficiency of public financing of researches and development
L. Sheynin. Sovereignty and the State property right: why is necessary to distinguish this and that?
Yu. Ezrokh. The evolution of monopoly in the banking environment
B. Bogoutdinov. Institute of the business ombudsman and the financial health of businesses
Zh. Zhartay. Prospects of development of the "silk road economic belt" and new opportunities of economic recovery of Kazakhstan
O. Buzhyn. Growth in real wages – the main factor of people's welfare



N 3-4, 2017


K. Mikulski. Russia in search of a model of economic growth
P. Kokhno.
Volume and structural concept of quality of competitive production
Yu. Taranukha.
Competition principle's modification in the process of evolution of the competition
S. Vinokurov, P.
Gurianov, A. Medved. Trust as a factor of international capital movement (on the example of foreign direct investment)
S. Lutsenko.
About the Monitoring of financing payouts of the Russian companies
R. Malikov, C. Grishin.
Generation of positive areas of institutional attractors in the process of institutional reconfiguration regional business environment
T. Kusainov.
About diversification of agricultural production in the conditions of the venture business
М. Аbdiev.
Main ares agri-food policy Kyrgyz Republik under Eurasian economic union
R. Rashidov.
Some effective use of technology in the cotton industry in Uzbekistan
А. Gusev.
Selectiveness of investment regimes for Russian regions and their impact on economic growth
M.Bairammukova, F.Bidzhieva.
Economic growth and import substitution policy in the regions of South Caucasian Federal district
L. Klimenko, O. Posuhova.
Societal aspects of professional identity of socially-oriented groups in Russian


N 2, 2017


M. Ershov. About conditions of economic growth: exchange rate, exchange policy and long money
L. Korel, E. Pavlyuk. Motivation to work of employees of the russian industrial enterprises in the conditions of re-industrialization
A. Podgayskaya. Collaborative economy: foreign and domestic experience
A. Kirizleyeva. Deliberation on banking institutions in Ukraine 
A. Gusev, M. Yurevich. Federal cities as drivers of economic growth 
К. Pavlov, V. Gavrish, V. Nitsenko. About economic feasibility of use of biogas complexes

The labour market in the Commonwealth countries in 2015
Education in the Commonwealth countries
Housing and housing provision in Commonwealth countries in 2010-2015 and the first half of 2016


N 1, 2017


P. Kokhno, A. Kokhno. Models and indicators of definition of synergetic effect of the integrated industrial companies
S. Lutsenko. Change of priorities in corporate governance
O. Dedova. The priorities of venture investment by industry
L. Sheynin. The advanced production parts of public facility: Who must reimburse costs of maintenance during
their idle time?
R. Sadriev, K. Mullakhmetov. The potential of "lean production" lean production management system
M. Ermilova. Problems of financing of the housing market
V. Gurtov, I. Stepus. Russian labor market during the crisis processes in economics
I. Balyuk. On identification of internal and external debt
S. Voronin, F. Abduvaliev. Shadow economy: world practice and implications for Uzbekistan
I. Groshev, A. Krasnoslobodtsev. About culture in fluence on economic development of the country


N 12, 2016


B. Kheyfets. Anti-offshore policy of the international community: a reaction to the "panama papers"
А. Sedlov. The change of the migration paradigm in the EU and in Russia
N. Novichkov. Business as creative activities
J. Bobonazarova. Role of small business and private entrepreneurship in the employment of women in Uzbekistan
L. Bokareva. The goals and risks of the reform of public finance management in Russia
E. Fedorova, A. Nikolaev. The impact of FDI on the effectiveness of the activities of russian companies after the introduction of sanctions
I. Kotliarov. The phenomenon of virtual consumer cooperatives
T. Сhubarova. Health systems in CIS members: between individual and social responsibility
N. Grigorieva. Health care reform in the CIS countries: trends and stages

The main socio-economic indicators of poverty in the CIS countries


N 11, 2016


I. Vershinin. About the public assignment in the sphere of science in the context of international experience
E. Markovskaya. About the conception of the adaptation in the economy
S. Lutsenko. Improvement of quality of the corporate governance through the mechanism of the internal corporate standards
K. Mullakhmetov. Corporate culture in the management system
I. Balyuk. Is it possible to change the current system of international credit ratings?
Е. Skoblikov. The applicability of the law of money law of money circulation
G. Chernousov. The mergers and acquisitions market in oil and gas sector of Russia
E. Popov, I. Katz, A. Veretennikova, E. Sevastianova. Formation a portrait of local public goods consumer
А. Shiraev. Аbout import substitution of consumer goods
O. Kuznetsova. About federal support for investment localization in Russia
I. Mitrofanova. Deformation of economic relations between the Southern federal district the Russian Federation and Ukraine

The production and use of gross domestic product in the CIS in 2015
The refinancing rate in the world (in %; end of year)


N 10, 2016


E. Balatsky. Threats to Russia in time of recycling global capital
F. Vlasov, A. Stebakov. Types and contradictions of social capita
K. Pavlov. Theoretical questions of the economy intensive type
O. Krasilnikov. Internetianstvo – a new stage in the development of political economy
D. Kondratov. Setting a New Financial Regulation System in European Union
Yu. Ivanov, I. Mayburov, A. Nazarenko. Methodological basis of assessment and modeling of the of tax incentives’ efficiency
A. Kosarikov. The effect of current economic processes on the generation and treatment of consumer waste
M. Dzhorobaeva. Improving the availability of borrowihgs in agricultural producers
S. Akhmetzhanova, S. Kuzgibekova, M. Tusupbekov. Collection agencies in Kazakhstan
E. Kalabikhina. Investing in the movie business: types of investors, investment trends and risks in the movie business
N. Kolomeitseva. Prospects of economic integration of Russian in the Asia-Pacific region


N 9, 2016


S. Bodrunov. New industrial society of second generation: people, production, development
S. Lutsenko. Dilemma as to the choice of a source of financing
A. Aleshina, V. Gurgenidze. Systemically important financial institutions and their impact on systemic risk in the banking sector
A. Belyakov. "Points of growth" and development tools
M. Korkushko. Disputable points of personal bankruptcy in Russia
S. Mikhnevich. Liberalisation of tariff protection of the market of the customs Union/EAEU: causes and prospects
P. Kokhno, A. Veyko. Economic mechanism of development of space-rocket branch 
A. Tkachenko. Levels of living: Theoretical and methodological approaches and their statistical interpretation
M. Merzho. About improvement of state management system and municipal property in the North Caucasus regions of the Russian Federation
А. Ayupov, А. Orozbaeva. Territorial-border problems of economic relationship of Russia and the countries of the Central Asia


N 8, 2016


N. Ziadullaev. The Euroasian economic union in the context of the Russian integration policy
F. Vlasov. The society of social harmony – the alternative to the current models of social structure 
E. Garin, R. Meshcheryakov. Relational- hierarchical approach to monitoring and forecasting of social economic condition of the community
S. Chebotarev, V. Chebotarev, D. Zhurenkov. The education for hightech industries: dualsystem 
Z. Valiyev. Fiscal aspects of economical and financial crisis
I. Khovavko. Economic analysis of the ecological conflicts in the Russian Federation 
K. Ogryzko, S. Barikin. About alternative methods of voting for general election in authorities 
E. Buranova. About the anti-crisis enterprise management


N 7, 2016


V. Andrianov. Conceptual approach to worked out Strategy of sustainable development of Russian Federation till 2030
V. Mikheev, S. Lukonin. Thirteenth five-year plan of socio-economic development of China for 2016–2020: goals and implementation challenges
N. Urazbaev, A. Nauryzbaev, А. Alimbetov. Integration of education, science, and production under the reform of the system of higher education in Kazakhstan
T. Sokolova. The Social Dimension of the Eurasian Integration
S. Lutsenko. The corporate cash policy in the conditions of macroeconomik instability
A. Belyakov. Current exchange rate is adequate to the market condition (and doesn't have potential for notable growth or downturn)
S. Sotnikova, N. Sotnikov. Statistics of business career
L. Sheynin. Geography of Prices and Price Zones

Тhe economy of the CIS countries in I quarter of 2016


N 6, 2016


А. Sidorovich. New economic policy development: from systemic contradictions to systemic solutions
B. Kheyfets.
Transregionalization of the global economic space
S. Chebotarev, V. Chebotarev, D. Zhurenkov.
The initiative "Industry 4.0": new industrial policy 
Yu. Markov.
Unity of ownership and labour as the basis of spiritual and moral civilization
A. Kokhno, S. Sitnikov.
Models of calculations of financial costs of innovative programs 
K. Abdurakhmanov, N. Zokirova, Z. Shakarov.
The gradualist approach of Uzbekistan to the transformation of the economy
B. Bogoutdinov.
Small business in Russia: the analysis of profitability and supportive measures 
I. Mitrofanova, A. Zhukov, I. Mitrofanova.
Influence of risk factor on implementation of modern Russian territorial megaprojects
T. Novikova, E. Vorobev.
About educational results of university graduates


N 5, 2016


T. Kussaiynov. Income inequality and economic development
Yu. Knyazev.
About Russia economic model correcting and new strategy of development 
T. Turdiev.
Cathing-up development: theoretical aspects and practice in Kyrgyzstan
I. Buzdalov.
On fundamental basis agricultural policy
S. Ryzhov.
Human capital – the main vector of economic development
Yu. Taranukha.
Country competitiveness: why fight for it
А. Navoyev.
About causation of oil prices and the exchange rate
V. Pleshchenko.
On the economic theory of clubs and club institutions role in "new economy"
O. Khairetdinova.
About the student's business development in Russia

The labour market
Monetary incomes of the population



N 4, 2016


А. Koshanov. "Uniform belt of the Silk Road" and the perspectives for the formation United Eurasian Economic Community
N. Shumsky.
CIS prospects: problems of reforming
L. Zevin.
On how to evaluate the efficiency of a regional economic integration project 
M. Sheptunov.
Upon the analysis of economic growth in the interdependence of turnover and the ascertainment of market equilibrium
P. Kokhno, A. Veyko.
Management of competitiveness of space transport systems
R. Bazarbaeva.
Development of good governance institute as the efficient factor resisting corruption in Kyrgyzstan
N. Novichkov.
About the evolution of scientific knowledge about professional activity of a person
L. Koroleva.
Inheritance and gift taxation as an instrument of redistribution of wealth in the United States

Тhe main socio-economic indicators of the Commonwealth countries in 2015



N 3, 2016


Yu. Knyazev. About economy role in society and importance of scienсе in economic development
L. Mindeli, S. Ostapyuk. Оn priorities of development of Russian science
S. Lutsenko. Role of fiduciary principles in enhancement of corporate governance 
B. Rakhaev, Kh. Karchaev. The role of import substitution in functioning the national economy 
V. Nazarova. The development of clusters: Russian and European experience 
N. Solodilova, R. Malikov, K. Grishin. Prediction of investment potential of business in the region 
Z. Kadirova. Long-term consequences of labor exports on economic development of a country: lessons learnt from foreign experience for the Republic of Uzbekistan in formulating its migration policy
E. Galaeva, Yu. Rossikova. Wages and Employment: discrimination problems

Аbout research activities of scientists in the Commonwealth countries



N 2, 2016


D. Kondratov. Recent approaches to reforming the global monetary system
K. Pavlov. Etnomanagement as part etnoeconomy
O. Volkova. Transparensy in the society: harm or avail?
P. Kokhno, N. Serov. Projection of branch structure of the defining productions 
L. Mindeli, S. Chernykh. R&D expenditures: myths and facts
I. Kotliarov. Phenomenon of atypical entreprenurship
M. Sheptunov. On two approaches to the equitable distribution of humanitarian resources among sufferers in an area of emergencies at the age-inequility

On pension provision at in the Commonwealth



N 1, 2016


K. Mikulsky. The systemic risks of the russian society
J. Ezrokh. The restructuring of the banking system of Russia in 2014–2015 in the light of foreign and domestic experience
K. Ekimova, A. Aliev. About the methodology of assessing the financial potential of innovative development (on the example of the leading companies in the oil and gas industry)
L. Sheynin. An essay on geography of prices
A. Gousev. Regional protectionism in retail trade
I. Kovalev. Russian charity foundations
V. Anikin, N. Tikhonova. Poverty and Inequalities in BRICS: Notes on Russia

Demographic situation in the Commonwealth countries in 2014
Labour cost in the Commonwealth countries




Russian society: а year in the crisis and sanctions
А. Маrtynov. Restructuring of russian есопоmу: incoming trапsfоrmation change
Р. Kokhno, Е. Rodina. Economic value and asessment of а brand of the industrial enterprise
S. Lutsenko. Sustainable growth and investment behavior
I. Grоshеv, А. Krasnoslobodcev. The resource potential of organizational сulturе
G. Degtyarev, А. Degtyarev. The rеfоrm of russian health care system
Forecast of Russian есопоmу indicators: 2015-2018
К. Pavlov, Е. Holovchenko, V. Nitsenko. Evolution of paradigm shadow есопоmу in research
Т. Теrеntyеvа, К. Smitskikh, Р. Kovrizhko. Methodical approachest to estimation of efficiency of activity of small innovation business




Е. Balatsky, A. Gusеv, М. Yurеviсh. Russia' s dependence оп rеsоurсеs: alleged and real threats
А. Navoyev. The impact of monetary policy on the macroeconomic indicators of the national economy
I. Моrоzkinа. The mechanisms of the cooperation and their role in the improving competitiveness of the economic entities, есопоmу of the regions and the countries as a whole
I. Grоshеv, А. Кrаsпоslоbоdсеv. The marketing quality
О. Касhur. The concept and assessment of tax burdеп
Р. Aleksandrov. Some institutional changes in the development of small business
D. Еrmаkоv. Fогеigп experience of building professional standards
S. Bolshakov, Yu. Bolshakova. Lobbyism in the countries of the European Union




I. Nikolaev, T. Marchenko, O. Tochilkina. What's the Russian crisis and how long it will last?
P. Nikitenko. The Belarusian model of civilization development in the light of the noosheric vision of the future of humanity
O. Bessonova. Integrated-institutional paradigm-key to Russian matrix
J. Ikromov. The essence and main trends of migration population from central Asia to Russia
A. Sedlov. Labour Market in CHI in the Context of Globalisation
V. Klavdienko. National innovative systems in the briks countries
Z. Valiyev. Fiscal diagnostic
M. Yurevich. Regional development imbalances of S&T sphere in Russia
R. Dolzhenko. About staff motivation when using the new forms of labor relations
V. Kharchenko. Social portrait of Russian freelancers
A. Belyakov. On the most important scenario for transformation of Russian economy
M. Ponomareva. Contemporary researches of post-urbanism
G. Donchevsky. Conceptual and methodological bases of post-urban lifestyles research
G. Donchevsky, L. Klimenko, A. Ermishina. Activity-technological's pecifics of up-shifting as the main form post-urban development
D. Morev. Amartya Sen's conception development



T.Kochuev. To find a pathway from accumulation of problems to their solution
Y.Knyazev. Can we improve capitalism?
P.Savchenko, M.Fedorova. About the system consideration of the social policy
E.Fedorova, K.Lavrov, A. Nikolaev. Foreign direct investment and the problem of sanctions
S. Novikov, I. Faizullina. Problems of import substitution in the field of government procurement
V. Nazarova. The impact of sanctions on the economic processes in society (the case of "Rosneft")
A.Gusev. Science cities: thing of the past or opportunities for renewal?
A.Kalinin, M.Gerasimenko. The role of the auxiliary farms and gardens in the income of elderly people
S.Lutsenko. Modus Vivendi of model of communitarian democracy
E. Trifonov. Property relations and the problem of democratization
M. Malkina. Factors of economic growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
A. Maltsev. Evolution of methods of the history of economic thought
Materials of the CIS statistical committee




B. Kheyfets. Eurasian Economic Union - new challenges for business
P. Kokhno, K. Dyundik. Corporate integration
A. Belyakov, I. Turuev. Ruble: In search of the optimum
M. Sokolov. About the search for financial reserves for accelerating of the economic development of Russia 
E. Garin. About the forming of the cost of new model
O. Birukova. Theoretical approaches to measure the role of knowledge-intensive services in international trade:
the general and specific case
L. Sheynin. Distribution of costs and advantages among the participants of the multipurpose engineering projects
Sh. Mahkamova. About the methodology for determining the population's demand for housing
V. Karacharovskiy. Cultural distance among russian and foreign professionals
K. Pavlov, V. Selin. The Northern sea route: current problems and future trends
E. Galaeva,Yu. Rossikova. Labor compensation in the USA
A. Navoyev. Analysis of causation in the equation of exchange
Center for macroeconomic analysis and short-term predict. What leading indicators show systemic financial and macroeconomic risks? Abridged




Y.Knyazev. International divergency of socially regulated market economy
N.Novichkov. An interdisciplinary approach to the study of social systems
A.Sukharev. Macroeconomic policy oil states volatility in the oil prices
P.Kokhno, S.Chebotarev, T.Glybina. Tendencies od development of the hi-tech industry
L.Sergeev. Methodological problems of assessing the efficiency of use of budgetary resources
E.Fedorova, Y.Timofeev. Predictive force of the financial condition determination models applying for Russian companies
E.Selyavina. On assessing the effectiveness of development banks
Z.Hudayberdiyev. About the job market in Uzbekistan
V.Sadkov, I.Grekov, L.Grinkevich. Key directions of the modernization of the Russian tax system
I.Smotritskaya, S.Chernykh. The role of public procurement in solving problems of stabilization and development of the Russian economy
S.Novikov, I.Fayzullina. About the building of the contract system in the Republic of Bashkortostan
E.Popov, I.Katz, E.Sevastyanova. Social infrastructure areas: placement and development
V.Gurtov, Y.Fyodorov, C.Mazaeva. Most demanded working professions in the industrial sector
L.Gorlevskaya, A.Chubukov. Analysis of Russian and developed countries' agriculture


Analytical materials




B. Rakhaev, M. Rahaeva, B. Bizengin.
State sovereignty: tracks and evaluation of its expansion or contraction
M. Voeykov, G. Anisimova.
Trends of economic growth and inequality in post-soviet space
D. Kondratov.
Problems of creating an optimal currency area in the eurasian economic union
A. Hayrapetyan.
Financial centers in the modern economy
H. Stroeva.
The impact of economic specialization of the Republic of Kazakhstan on its foreign trade
Sh. Safarov.
About the improvement of information systems in public financial management and debt of the Republic of Uzbekistan
D. Shapot, K. Nesytyh.
Effect from exports of hydrocarbon to the Russian economy in 2001 - 2012 years
P. Aleksandrov.
Problems of statistical accounting of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia
A. Vilensky.
The transformation of state policy to support small and medium-sized businesses in the spatial economy of Japan
G. Koroleva, E. Vorobiev.
The audit staff and the personnel policy of the enterprise
Z. Yakimova, I. Shkodich, M. Ibrahimov.
Problems of socio-cultural and legal adaptation in Primorsky krai labor migrants – refugees from Ukraine
A. Shiryaev.
About the part of the bureaucratic system of management of science
L. Mindeli, S. Chernov.
On the issue of restructuring of academic organizations
I. Pshenitsyn.
The major discovery of Karl Marx
E. Milosevski.
The idea of external economies of A. Marshall and the boundaries of its application




V.Mau. Global crisis and challenges of russian economic policy
E.Galaeva, Yu.Rossikova. The theory of crises in application to contemporary reality: analysis and forecast
Yu.Taranukha. A systematic approach to the analysis of competition
A.Neshchadin, V.Kashin. The crisis phenomena increase in the economy of Russia. Which an exit is?
B.Kheyfets. Policy of deoffshorization: intermediate results
E.Perevyshina. International reserves of the central bank of the Russian federation: shortage surplus?
E.Popov, V.Simonova. Effect of asset specificity on intercompany agreements
I.Buzdalov. The concept and results of agrarian policy in foreign countries and russian problems
O.Nifaeva. The dynamics of moral and ethical aspects of human capital as a reflection of economic agent life cycle and a factor of the economy cyclical development.
I.Groshev, A.Krasnoslobodcev. Institutionalization of modern society values in organizational culture of busines
S.Volkov. Foreign experience of place promotion
I.Kotliarov. Atypical employment
S.Eremina, O.Kudelina, Fu Sun. Pensionsystems and retiree's well-being. Experience of BRICS countries
P.Kokhno. About optimization of a cargo transportation in innovative economy
K.Pavlov. Innovative ecology




K.Mikulsky Russia's economy and its social contradictions
N.Shush, A.Borodin. Strategic planning in the budget process in a turbulent economy
E.Balatsky. Basic parameters of high-tech jobs doctrine
A.Belyakov, I.Turuev. Opportunities to increasing of russian currency's international status and sphere of its circulation
V.Chsherbakov. Regional capital mobility and the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle in Russia
P.Aleksandrov. To small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprise in the production of import-substituting products in the Russian Federation
Z.Veliyev. Fiscal institutions and budget discipline
V.Skripal, A.Nechshadin. The introduction of new technologies in the oil and gas sector in crisis
A.Timush. From democracy at policy – by democracy at organization and development production activity
S.Davidov. Societal economy: reality of the past and the model of future
P.Orekhovsky. Economic man and the role of envy in his bahavior
A.Martynov. Green economy in Russia: time for concrete decisions
A.Yakovenko, A.Shapoval. Demographic situation in countries in context of sociological reflection


Demographic situation in the Commonwealth countries in 2013
Labour cost in the Commonwealth countries

Alphabetical Index



K.Mikulsky. The inadequacy of the social model of the Russian society demands its positive development
D.Kondratov. Modern world monetary system and its development prospects
M.Lobanov. The development of the EU single market in capital in the conditions of evolution of new concepts of financial liberalization
A.Bolvachev, A.Ayrapetyan. Financials centers on the modern stage: macroeconomic and financial aspects
S.Semenov. Modern infaltion and economic policy
K.Ahmetova, A.Ahmetova, A.Terzhanova. State-Private partnership as mechanism of modernization of economy of Kazakhstan
M.Khugaeva. Intergovernmental relations in the Russian Federation: basic trends in 2000-2012 biennium
P.Kokhno, A.Kokhno, S.Sitnikov. Methods of formation and assessment of efficiency of industrial corporations
S.Makhkamova. Formation of a middle class is a basis of social stability
G.Tsysina. Labour relations in the system of transitional corporations
A.Polyakov, A.Khoroshunov. Economic and social assessment of transport projects
V.Nikitenko. The economic paradigm of community development




B.Rakhaev, K.Kalabekova, M.Gazaeva. The strategic objectives of new forms of integration in the Post-Sovjet space
A.Belyakov, I.Turuev. The role of the state in the investment process
P.Pavlov. The Open Government system in Russia: objectives of formation and user types
A.Goosev. Foreign-trade independence of regional markets and strengthening spatial economic integration
S.Volkov. Social responsibility of regions as the most important function of territorial marketing
V.Klavdienko. Building of innovation system in Norway: the basic lines of the present stage
S.Voronin, F.Abduvaliev, A.Sadikov. The scientific and methodological and practical aspects of fiscal policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan
E.Garin. Class theory of social organization and new periodization of socio-economic formations
Yu.Shvetcov. Contemporary economic theory and the morals
N.Novichkov, A.Nikitin. Creative activity (attempted interdisciplinary generalization)
Y.Ezrokh. The role of institutions cetrification training and quality work of banks in increasing competitive environment
I.Groshev, A.Krasnoslobodtsev. Consumers' loyality to brands: formation, development and capitalization




E.Bayldinov. The treaty on the Eurasian economic union: hopes and disappoints
B.Rakhaev, K.Kalabekova, M.Gazaeva. The problem of territorial and social consolidation of the Russian space
A.Eliyanov. Economy's main locomotive
Yu.Knyazev. Between market and state regulation
L.Mindeli, S.Chernykh. Fundamental science and economic growth on the basis of the innovation development
A.Goosev. Destiny of federal target programs in R&D: problems of their consistency and perspectives in program-target method
R.Jabiyev. Sectoral and regional disparities in innovation industry in Azerbaijan
M.Evteeva. Features of funding the scientific institutions and evaluation of its effectiveness
A.Neshachadin, V.Kashin, G.Tulchinskij. About forms of social entrepreneurship
A.Kabanov. The methods of evaluating the effectiveness of cash management in holding companies
Sh.Mahkamova, I.Agzamhodjaev, U.Umarova. Scenarios and options to ensure the sustainability of the pension system in Uzbekistan




Т. Kochuev. On uneven economic development in the modern world
M. Gorschkov N. Tikhonova. Middle class in modern Russia
Sh. Makxkamova. Social stratification of the society
P. Kokhno. The system of risks influencing activity of economic subjects
L. Zevin. Changing architecture of the World Economy
Z. Veliyev. Fiscal sustainability: theoretical and methodological aspects
D.Kondratov. Russia's participation in the global energy market
V. Papava. On the "Necroeconomic Post-Industrialism" in the Post-Soviet Space (The Cases of Georgia and Russia)
E.Balatsky. Material Incentives and International Competitiveness of Russian Universities


A. Belyakov, I. Turuev. On the possibility of increasing the rate of economic growth




How much does it cost to Russia
V. Andrianov, E. Krivopustova. Offshore jurisdictions and deoffshorization of economy
R. Nasibullin, A. Fatikhov. Investment climate as a sociological problem
A. Musaeyev, Z. Qulieyev. Tax incentives as tool of active tax policy
M. Bogatireov. Modeling of inflation processes (example of Kyrgyz Republic)
A. Popov, O. Stukalova. Culture of management of transactional expenses of business activity
E. Popov, I. Katz. Socio-Economic Adaptation of Public Goods Sector of Russian regions
A. Nechshadin, O. Soskova. The small town of Russia
E. Balatsky. Management of Russian universities: collisions and excesses


Analytical materials




A.Sodorovich. "A positive synthesis" in economic science
T.Varkhotov, O.Koshovets. Status of basic theoretical concepts and thought experiments in economics
J.Ezrokh. The Crimean crisis.Mometary an financial aspect
D. Kondratov. Global financial market and the present stage: growth of investment activity in developing countries
S.Lutsenko. Role of the controlling (majority) shareholder in modern corporate realities
I.V.Mitrofanova, V.Batmanova, I.A.Mitrofanova, A.Zhukov. American and Russian experience of realization of the megaprojects of territorial development
N. Ziyadullaev, U.Ziyadullaev. International financial center in Moscow: opportunities and mechanisms of creation
S.Eremina, O.Kudelina. Effectiveness of healthcare system. Regional aspect.
L.Korel, I.Korel. Drift of regions in the migration space of Russia
G.Donchevskyi. On the anti-crisis nature of a family household (on the facts of the history of the Russian peasantry)
V.Andrianov. From society without the elderly to an ageing society


Key economic indicators




V.Ivanov. Science and innovations under globalization
I.Matyush. Common economic space
Yu. Knyazev. Prospects of the Russian economy: chance of acceleration
A. Orlov. About dialectical unity of value and price of production
R. Janshanlo. On the function of the Central bank of the country
K. Pavlov, V. Ljashenko, E. Kotov. Assessment of processes of modernization of Ukraine and its economic region
A. Senko. Improving the competitiveness of the national production of Belarus in the World Community
N. Shamuratova, A. Zhanbozova. Industrial-innovative development of the Republic Kazakhstan
M.Malkina. Effectiveness of interbudgetary equalization system in Russia
P. Kokhno, V. Laptev. Innovative clusters
A. Degtyarev, R. Malikov, K. Grishin. Joint business and authority efforts as a means of promotion to business community development
P. Orekhovsky. The moral criterions economy policy
L.Chikava. Demological Laws: The Essence, Features and Classifications
N. Smirnov, Y. Alizada. Institution of business-ombudsman in Russia: legal status, economic effects and anticorruption potential analysis
Sh. Makxkamova. Estimation of a standard of living of the population: the theory and practice
N. Gorin, A. Nechshadin, O. Soskova. The tools of measurement of differentiation of urban settlement
V. Gurtov, N. Parikova. Foreign labor migration and its role in the staffing needs of Moscow labour market
I.Groshev, A. Krasnoslobodtsev. World branding practice in the global picture of consuming cultures



E.Balatsky. On Possible Shift of the Global Economic Leader
D.Kondratov. Global Imbalances in World Economy
P.Kokhno, S.Chebotaryov. Management of Social and SteadyEconomy
V.Andrianov. Systemic Risks of russian Banking System
Yu.Kindzersky. To a Question on Industry Modernization Strategy of Ukraine
S.Voronin. The Modern Stage of the development of the Tax System of Uzbekistan
B.Rakhaev, A.Rakhaev, B.Bizengin. The Problen of Poverty in the North Caucasus
A.Buzhyn. Human Capital and the evolution of the Relations of Production



The World Bank. A report on the Russian economy (No. 30, September 2013 г.)
A.Aghayev. The role of fiscal policy for sustainability of economics
А.Libman, B.Kheyfets. Free investments zone
I.Smotritskaya, S.Chernykh. State contract system: on a way to a new quality of procurement
M.Kamenova, K.Ahmetova, A.Terzhanova. Marketing management in complex socio-economic systems
P.Kokhno, A.Kokhno. Transfer of technologies: concepts and models
L.Sergeev. Software issues of improvement of regional public financial management
K.Pavlov. Patoinstitutsionalizm
E.Litvina. Performance assessment systemof remuneration practices senior management of state companies
L.Korel. Hired labour and the phenomenon of trust in modern industrial enterprises (materials of sociological research and engineering employees)
V.Emikh. Industry self-regulatory ombudsmen in dispute resolution mechanism




B.Rakhaev, B.Bizengin. The criteria and the imperatives of economic development: what determines economic development, as well as due to what can only achieve economic dominance
I.Nikolaev, O.Tochilkina. Economics of non-pecuniary damage
V.Sadkov, M.Melnikova. On the formation of a unified Russian state-tiered corporate crisis management system based on a coherent interaction between government and business
E.Trifonov. Theoretical concepts of Russian economy models
O.Nifaeva. The solution of poverty problem in Russia with regard to civilized economic relations
A.Timush. Key problems of an agrarian policy of the Republic of Moldova
P.Kokhno, A.Kokhno. The comparative analysis of methods of pricing on new production
J.Ezrokh. Leasing as a special segment of the competitive Russianbanking market: alternative estimates
A.Gusev. University sciense in Russia: transferring of western model and potential risks
G.Donchevsky, A.Nechshadin, A.Ignatieva. Modern agglomerative construction: it's time to update the views
A.Golova. Socio-economic mechanisms of destruction of traditional family relations




M.Molchanov,V.Molchanova. Modernizing reforms: the relationship of the economic and socio-political development
T.Kochuev. About innovative approaches to reform the post-Soviet society
I.Aaliyev. The need to establish new economic thinking
I.Matyush. Innovation as form and content of functioning of economy
A.Belyakov, I.Turuev. On the possibility of increasing the rate of economic growth
L.Bokareva. Russian statehood: lessons and results of reforms
Sh.Makhkamova. Technique of definition of middle class
O.Tarkhanov. Worldview the views, knowledge, development
Yu.Knyazev. About contemporary understanding of economic theory basis
N.Gorin, A.Nechshadin, O.Soskova, M.Nizamutdinov. Problems of the development of urban settlement in Russia
G.Gluschenko. Asymmetry of socio-economic development in the modern world
L.Mindeli, S.Chernykh. Conceptual aspects of the development of the Russian Academy of Sciences
E.Balatsky. Interuniversity competition: best practices in Russia


Production and use of gross domestic product in the CIS countries in 2012 and its forecast in the world on average and the most important amalgamations of the world
Subsistence minimum




A.Koshanov. The Potential Industrial and Innovation Economy Modernization
A.Eliyanov. World Economic Differentiation
A.Nikiforov. Structured Changes to economy of the Ukraine and Dynamics of Innovation Activity
D.Kondratov. What are the Factors Influencing Oil Market Dynamics?
E.Popov, I.Katz. Social Attractiveness of Territory by Public Goods
B.Rakhaev, A.Misakov. Spatial Characteristic agriculture of russia and How toMake it More Effective
E.Balatsky. Institutional Teory of Sustainable Change: Competition of Universities
A.Nechshadin, G.Tulchinskii. Changing the Paradigm of regional Development Strategy in Russia
V.Kashin, A. Nechshadin. Dynamics of gross Regional Product of the Russian Regions


V.Andrianov, Yu.Rossikova. Basel Accords: Specific Features of Implementation in Commercial Banks and Financial Development Institutions


E.Galaeva, Yu.Rossikova. Pension Insurance in the Economically Developed Countries




E. Balatsky. Concept of Complexity and Economic Theory of Democracy
V. Konovalov. World financial crisis and the trend of regionalization of the world monetary system
G. Seitkassimov, A. Mussina. Banks of Kazakhstan: problems and perspectives of development
D. Kondratov. Global investment flows: emerging trends. Migration of Russian capital
O. Cherkovets. Modern capitalism: not a crisis of one model, but the bankraptcy of the whole system
V. Kudrov. The evolution of modern capitalism. Russia should participate in the global process of evolution
A. Martynov. Future globalization of world economy: main scenarios


L. Sheynin. Inflation in Industrial Era as the consequence of Labor Market Faults


On the state of government finance, corporate finance and currency circulation in the countries of the Commonwealth in 2011-2012




A. Martynov. About expected perspectives of economic globalization as transformation
G. Lych. Is slowdown of economy market reforming to the good or to the detriment?
A. Rasulev, K. Pavlov, N. Asadullina. The specificity of the present stage of development of the world economy. Stability and the prospects of the economy of Uzbekistan
T. Lezhenina. The basic directions of social policy of Vietnam
I. Mayburov. Evaluation of tax expenditures and tax effectiveness: methodology of problem solving
P. Kokhno, A. Kokhno. Models of creation of high technology production
Yu. Merkulova. Planning of commodity strategy and resource reserves of firm


Yu. Markov. Factor key value


Socio-economic situation of the countries of the Commonwealth of independent States in 2012 year




D.Kondratov. Current status and prospects of deepening economic integration of the CIS countries
E.Balatsky. New characteristics of global capitalism
Yu.Knyazev. National economy under globalization and regionalism
I.Buzdalov. Intensification of production is a necessary condition to overcome systemic agrarian crisis in Russia
A.Sokolov. Impact of the insider control on the investment behavior of Russian state corporations
O.Maslak, O.Bezruchko. Evaluation of cyclic dynamics of the economic potential of the enterprise
A.Kuznetsov. Expansionism in China under globalization
Economic indicators forecast: 2013-2015 (inertial scenario)




V. Andrianov. Balanced scorecard for sustainable development of Russian Federation till 2020
A. Rasulev, C. Voronin, A. Sadikov. The taxation as a tool for the creation of the innovation economy
L. Vardomskiy, L. Zevin. New Eurasian integration project started: QuoVadis?
Z. Mamedov, V. Zeynalov. Interbank cooperation of Azerbaijan and Russia: status, problems and prospects
D. Kondratov. Anti-crisis Policy of the Euro Area Debt Crisis
A. Nestshadin, R. Fattakhov. The priorities of the State policy in the sphere of regional development of the Russian Federation
K. Pavlov. Interregionall economy as perspective direction of researches
G. Degtyarev. The principles and practice of organizing public life (Russian and foreign experience)
S. Shakhov. The place and role of tax risks in a modern economy
N. Solodilova, R. Mafikov, R. Sabirova. Formation of instrumentation infirastractural support business activity
I. Groshev, A. Krasnoslobodcev. Economic models of branding
A. Kashkin. Mandatory disclosure of the information about the beneficial owners of depository receipts issued on Russian local shares
A. Golova. Paradoxes of social networking of the Internet
Yu. Knyazev. One more unsuccessful attempt to refute the theory of work cost




К. Mikulsky. Is there a chance for modernization of Russia?
T. Kochuev. Economics: responsibility for the future
V. Karacharovskiy. Two dimensions of technological modernization: about commercial and social efficiency of industrial production in Russia
A.Navoev. Analysis of validity of the concept of the economic circulation
M. Lobanov. Specificity of mutual direct investments between Russia and the countries of "neighborhood belt"
V. Nazarov. Key alternatives of the pension reform
B.Rakhaev, A. Ulbasheva, B. Bizengin. Formation of a third force in the economy: the State, the market, spiritus animalis and perception and understanding of the phenomena of being
E. Balatsky. Relationships between Economics and Management: Bridging of Cognitive Gap
D. Kondratov. Formation of the Russian Ruble as an International Currency
L. Mindeli, S. Chernykh. On the purposeful-program financing of research and developments




D.Didenko, G. Kliucharev. On resources for the Russian modernization: The importance of Lifelong learning in capitals accumulation
A. Kokhno. Financing of scientific researches and workings out
V. Bogatyrova. Financial management of the human capital in the innovation economy: financial aspects, modeling
S. Sigova, A. Kekkonen. On the transition from quantitative predictions of the expected competencies
E.Balatsky.University's Programs Effectiveness: The Russian Practiced r, of Estimation
A. Nestshadin, G. Tulchinskij. The development of rural areas: innovations and social partnership
E.Baildinov. Customs alliance and United economic space: problems to efficiency
A. Polonskayaa. Features and problems of American innovation model
E. Galaeva, Yu. Rossikova. Management of employees' retirement plans: the US experience
A. Valijonov. The development of joint-stock companies in Uzbekistan
A. Gordienko. Gas activities of OILCompanies




P. Kokhno, A. Kokhno. Optimizing models of distribution of financial assets on priority programs of bearing branches of economy
A. Navoev. On the legality of the basic macroeconomic identity
D.Kondratov. International market: present and future
E. Litvina. Formation of efficient boards of directors of state companies
Zh. Myrkhalykov, A. Yessirkepova, R Kopbayeva. Economic difFerentiation of regions based on the assessment of sectoral and regional structure of the gross regional product of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Sh. Isakulov. The cross-analysis of economic interests of the participants of migratory process
E. Huseynov. The estimation of the transmission of the exchange rate into inflation
R. Borzenkov. Population employment in a context of the state supports of small business


On fixed investment in the countries of the Commonwealth in 2008-2011 and 1st half-year 2012




B.Rakhaev, M.Shomakhova, B.Bizengin. Could Russia have its own economic model and if so? What it should be?
V.Kudrov. To the assessment of the russian socio-economic system
E.Miloshevskaya. Productuion scale effect: concept, composition, quantitative measuring
I.Halytsya. Corporate governance based on the internal economic markets
I.Smotritskaya, S.Chernykh. From goverment order to public procurement
Yu.Merkulova. Situational formation of programs of the competitive commodity offer of firm
A.Kalinin, A.Poroshin. Ratio of wages to costs of goods and services in Russian regions
A.Abdullaev. Role of Fund for concessional lending in development of bank
A.Gordienko. Power generation – a new vector of oil companies development
L.Sheynin. The state and the nature conservancy
I.Mitrofanova, A.Chukov. The problem of Ural territorial megaproject
E.Balatsky. Rankings of the university departments: the world experience in creation and using
V.Kachak, A.Ladny, A.Gusev, E.Beloklokov. About setting the universities and scientific organizations for the execution of research works




К. Mikulskiy. The Russian social system blocks the progress of the country
K. Pavlov. Pathological socio-economic processes in the modern world (theoretical and methodological aspects)
A. Martynov. Technological and economic transformations: problem of interaction
L. Bokareva. Relevant conceptual and practical issues of privatization of federal property
Yu. Kindzersky. Industrial development problems and inconsistency of industrial policy in Ukraine
M. Abdullayeva. Methodological aspects of the formulation of an enterprise development strategy of the industrial complex of Uzbekistan
I. Ivanovskaya, N. Dragun. . Economic and institutional conditions of the collusion on prices manufacturers
I. Platonova. The use of measures of a protectionist nature in external economic relations developed WTO Member States
R. Jabiyev. What are the pros and cons of Azerbaijan on joining the WTO
G. Sokolova. Role of the Base Layer in Current Development of Belarusian Society
P. Savchenко, М. Fedorova. The monopoly of the workplace in the System of socio-economic relations
E. Balatsky, N. Ekimova. Russian World-Class Universities: Conditions of Emergence

Socio Statistics




Yu. Knyazev. Ways of development of Russia: the false benchmarks and reality
N. Tiuliundieva. Development of the conceptual approaches to the public budget researching as a policy category
A. Belyakov, I. Turuev. The currency rate: new view at the old problem
O. Kachur. About the tax incentives for innovation
L. Korel, V. Kombarov. Russian industrial enterprise and its subject of work in the context of the sociological problems of multidimensional modernization
V. Bulanov. Problems of development of social partnership in Russia
G. Tsysina. Collective bargaining regulation in Russian system of social partnership
Yu. Merkulova. Planning of a business environment of firm

OVERVIEW R. Borzenkov. Small entrepreneurship in the modern Russia
The dream of the Russians (reflections of sociologists). Analytical report of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2012)




V.Karacharovskiy. Strategic changes in the Russian innovative system (elements of the cross-branch and cross-regional analysis)
L.Dedov. On the searching activity and innovational style of society development as factors of successfull dynamics of overtaking economies
A.Navoev. The analysis of features of formation of the income and their ratio with the public product
A.Sidorovich. Corruption like special public political and economic relationship
R.Abdullin. Profile of Russia in the global economy in light of its obligations under the WTO
P.Kokhno. Innovative or market economy of the countries-participants of the Customs union
I.Matyush. About the spiritual and value aspect of the modernization of post-Soviet economics
A.Neshadin, R.Fattakhov. The formation of regional innovation clusters in Russia
M. Fattakhov, P.Stroyev. Innovative development of U.S.A. Experience of the formation and development of territorial innovation clusters
A.Neshadin, D.Trevu. About the French experience of creation of competitiveness poles
B.Rakhaev, B.Bizengin. B.Spinoza and A.Smith about "invisible hand": phrasing priority, composition of notion and action's mechanics

Methodology of statistics



A report on the Russian economy. Support growth and risk (April 2012)
Yu. Zhukov. Actual trends of key macroeconomic indicators of CIS countries in 2011 compared with the forecast
Yu. Knyazev. About return of economics to common sense
A. Navoev. The analysis of interrelation and parity of the total and final public product
A. Orlov. From theory of cost of Marks to new economic conception or search of laws of economy in nature
I. Buzdalov. About the national economic approach to systemic modernization of agriculture in Russia
G. Lych. The present state of Belarusian agriculture and agrarian integration problems in view of forming Eurasian economic space
S. Ilasheva, I. Polezhaeva, S. Khairullina. Agricultural mechanical Republic of Kazakhstan
V. Popov I. Krajnyuchenko. Problems of nonlinear forecasting of economic development
Ya. Shkop. Bioeconomics and a triad of world resources
K. Pavlov, V. Selin, I. Selin. Russian Arctic: current state and prospects of development
T. Lezhenina. Manpower and employment of the population of Vietnam
E. Galaeva, Yu. Rossikova. On highly qualified specialists wages in Russia

I. Groshev, A Krasnoslobodcev. Methods of assessment for Brand Capital



Т. Koichuev. Internal threats to the development of the CIS Countries
A. Koshanov. Common Free Market Zone and mobilization of economic potentials of the Customs Union
P. Kokhno. Priorities of scientifically-technological development
O. Bessonova. Housing model in the structure of the institutional logic of the transformation matrix
R. Jabiyev. The problems of modernization of production on the innovative basis in the industry of Azerbaijan
Ju. Merkulova. About formation of mobile and effective system of planning of the Russian economy
N. Bryukhanova. The transformation of institution of property in the process of the electric power industry reformation in Russia
A. Sverdlova. The Public-private partnership for R&D in Russia
R. Nijazbekova, A. Tulemetova, I. Polezhaeva. Formation of new forms of the organization and production management - a priority direction of small and average business



A. Martynov. About theoretical treatment of modern market and Russian realities
Yu. Knyazev. Justice and Economy
V. Popov, I. Krajnyuchenko. On the operation of and fair pay: the inevitability of the first and second arrangement
G. Aubakirova. Especially the adaptation of industrial enterprises of Kazakhstan to the market environment
A. Navoev. The analysis of features of formation of naturally-cost structure of the public production on the basis of the modified scheme of reproduction
A. Petrosyan. State regulation of foreign trade of Russia in the light of requirements of the economic sovereignty of the country
A. Alirzayev, E. Alirzayev . The resource endowment of the development of the economy of Azerbaijan
V. Savelov. Russia on the path to the fiiture: how to understand?
N. Kirillina. Social means of marketing communications in information environment of modern city


On the perspectives of development of the CIS countries in the following years against the main world tendencies
Expenses for labour force in the countries of the Commonwealth




К. Mikulskiy. Modernization of Russian economy: necessity and possibility
V. Bulanov. Modernization of the Russian economy and human development
V. Anikin. Professional structure Modernization potentiality of employed population in Russia
S. Kulik, I. Yurgens. "Partnership for modernization" Russia-EU: towards implementing
B. Rakhaev, B. Bizengin. Influence perceptions and performances of time on economic development
I. Aliyev. Macroeconomic analysis of the economic development of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the process of modernization
A.Kokhno. The Financial and industrial capital of the integrated structures
A. Gordienko. Business diversification - one of the most important tool of company development
A. Babenkova. External and internal environment of enterprise: interoperability issues
T. Turdiev. Socio-economic situation in Kyrgyzstan and national security
Minn Ha Le. Special economic zones in Russia and their impact on regional economies
M. Ubaidulaev. The use of land resources of Kyrgyzstan
K. Pavlov. Evaluation of cost-effectiveness of investment intensive type, taking into account regional particularities
E. Balatsky, N. Ekimova. The qalitetive components of Russia food security
L. Sheynin. Public property and tax issues


Yu. Kindzerskii. Some categorical and ideological imperatives of modernization in the Post-Soviet countries: to discussion continuation




V.Karacharovskiy. The resources of innovative growth in Russia
I.Nikolaev, O.Tochilkina. Economic differentiation of regions: estimations, dynamics, comparisons (Russia and other countries)
A.Gusev. Poor spatial economic integration as a threat to country's unity
F.Vlasov, E.Kolotovkina. The concept of trust in the economy and Russian problems
O.Solovyev. The modern theory of financial markets: from criticism of the Anglo-American system of khowledge to the regulation school and non-classical modeling
N.Shumsky. Free trade area in the CIS: the formation and development prospects
Yu.Merkulova. Strategy of positioning of the goods in consumer segments of the market
S.Vazhenin, I.Vazhenina. Construction of competive intelligence in the modern business environment



M. Gorshkov. The public consciousness in Russia: the outcome of the twentieth anniversary of the reform
P. Savchenko, M. Fedorova. The Russian social system as the expression of controversial historical trends in Russia
M. Shabanova. On interrelation between social and economic policies: the socioeconomic perspective
P. Kokhno. Modern civilization: Possible contours of the future
L. Sergeev. Contradictions of the finance and financial control in the Society
Y. Shvetsov. Budget of the State as public domain
Yu. Veretennikov, A. Ovsyankina. Polyglobalization: from Homo Sapiens to Homo Techno-Transgene
V. Sakovich. Agroindustrial production of the Republic of Belarus
A. Moroz. Forms of display of economic risks in region and tools of their overcoming
I. Ivanovskaya, N. Dragun. Specifics of the industry and price agreements (modeling of probability and sustainability)
E. Iyudina. On state politics ensure Ecological Acceptable Development of the Economics
S. Davidov. Limiting the attractiveness of work: concept and measurement
N. Gontar. The potential of tourism industry in Russia


L. Grinin. China's future scenario: will the slowdown factors prevail?
O. Cherkovets. The world economy waiting for new leader: it will be China
E. Balatsky. The Chinese model of economy of the future: development through permanent self-destruct


Socio Statistics




I.Nikolaev, O.Tochilkina. Rating of progress (which countries develop faster)
E.Balatsky, N.Ekimova. Evolutionary models of privatization cycle: empirical estimates
G.Sokolova. The problems of level and quality of life interdependence in the process of postindustrial society formation
R.Abesadze, V.Burduli. Regional aspects of accelerating economic development in Georgia
B.Rakhaev, Ra Rha Ev. Economic institutions: appointment and evolution
L.Dedov. The construction of the product structural cyclic process in economy
I.Bochkareva. Potential of social networks
M.Sherstnev. Economics and economic policy: the impact of world economic crisis
I.Gadyrshin. Opportunities to reduce the role of anti-dumping measures in the course of economic integration


External trade of the Commonwealth States in the world in 2000-2010




B.Rakhaev, E.Bozieva, E.Bakkuev. On principles and rules of household selection
I.Andros. Modern Belarusian Entrepreneur
Y.Merkulova. Strategic planning on macro and microeconomic level for the decision of problems of increase of efficiency of managing
O.Biryukova. Problems and prospects for a regional market of CIS countries
V.Klavdienko, G.Shagalov. Institutional maintenance of the international scientific and technical cooperation in the European Union countries
K.Pavlov. The regional dimension in macroeconomic models
World development report 2011


Investment activities in the Commonwealth countries in 2005-2010




A. Martynov. On the updated concept of economic transformation
Y. Knyazev. About the law of value and value notions of capitalism
N. Tiuliundieva. Methodological approaches to the public budget concept
S. Kashirin. Economic scurity: the problem of foreign loans
E. Gadyrshina. Ways of establishing an efficient government export support system
V. Andrianov. Socio-economic and philosophical (existential) problems of population ageing
L. Shakhotska. Migration processes and migration policy in the territory of Belarus
A. Timush. Development of agro-production cooperatives is an important factor in the recovery of agriculture in Moldova
E. Baildinov. Eurasian integration: issues and guidelines development
Y. Ananiashvili, V. Papava. Taxes production technology and economic growth
E. Balatsky, N. Ekimova. Tax-Budget Policy and Economic Growth
A. Neshchadin, A. Prilepin. New approach to the elaboration of regional development strategies and complex investment plans (programs) for subjects of Federation, rural and urban agglomerations and municipalities


On Russian economy


International comparisons




P. Orekhovsky. Innovative economy in view of latent contract theory
I. Nikolaev, O. Tochilkina. Economic crisis through the lens of industry analysis
I. Vazhenina, S. Vazhenin. Competition in the modern skyline of territorial economic area
I. Buzdalov. Alarming symptom of threats to national security of Russia
L. Bokareva. Anti-corruption activity of the state and the state financial control
A. Evseenko, K. Ogrizko. A Society without cash money: possibilities and prospects
E. Miloshevskaya. Definition of internal economies of scale and losses through parametric modeling: problems of choic
V. Kurguzov, P. Kravchenko. Basel-3: Real reform or another imitation?
A.Gordienko. What attracts the Russian business in the Kyoto protocol?


General trends of economic development of the Commonwealth in the near future
Pension schemes in the Commonwealth countries
Financial situation of the Commonwealth countries in 2009-2010




Е. Balatsky. Temporal model of inter-country competition
Yu. Knyazev. The influence of the global crisis on the economic theory and practice
L. Zevin. Eurasian Economic Space: prospects for consolidation
V. Popov, I. Krajnyuchenko. Manufacture and consumption in the nature. Estimate work
Yu. Merkulova. The role of the factor of time in achievement of an optimum resources consumption and the competitive commodity offer
M. Smirnov. Small enterprises crediting in 2010: results and perspective
A. Degtyarev, R. Malikov, K. Grishin. The investional potential of the municipal formations: the informal interaction state power and business
N. Gorin, A. Neshchadin. The cyclical development of cities: key provisions and patterns


Agriculture in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States



V. Popov, I. Krajnyuchenko. Incorrectnesses of economic theories
V. Bulanov, E. Kataytseva. Human capital as a form of human potential demonstration
V. Andrianov. International experience of fighting corruption
Yu. Kindzerskii. Risks of inter-regional differentiation in Ukraine and possibility of their elimination within of the industrial and regional policy
M. Koichueva. Prerequisites for the innovative development of economy of Kyrgyzstan
G. Tsysina. World migration process and migration policy in advanced countries
A. Barkovskiy, I. Barkovskiy. Russia: selective approach in attraction of foreign labour force
L. Maksakova. Labor Migration of Uzbek population
E. Gadirshina. The possibilities for public support to Russian enterprises-exporters to overcome trade barriers
E. Bukgvald, A. Vilenskiy. The Opportunities of coordination and consulting bodies in the sphere of small and medium-sized business
F. Rustamov. Economic incentive environment and natural resources management




K.Mikulsky. To Conceptualize Problems of Modernization of the Russian Economy
V.Karacharovskiy. Business and Innovative Activity in the Russian Economy
E.Balatsky, N.Ekimova. Employment Cycle and Privatization Cycle in Dynamic Equilibrum Models
A.Goosev. Optimal Levels of Economic Inequalities in Federal Districts
P.Kokhno, A.Kokhno. The Economic Theory of the Hi-Tech Enterprises
V.Fridljanov. Scientific Examination Instead of the Tender for Humanitarian Knowledge (About Perfection of Activity of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund)
A.Neshchadin, A.Prilepin. City Agglomerations as an Instrument for Dynamic Social and Economic Growth of the Russian Regions
N.Gorin, A. Neshchadin. Current Tendencies of Transformation of the Russian System for City Settlement
E.Bayldinov. Sustainable Development: Understanding the Entity Problem
D.Volodina. How Does the Postindustrial Consumer Influence the Postindustrial Economy?




Y.Merkulova. About antimonopoly law perfection
P.Kokhno, A.Kokhno Competition of hi-tech production
A.Rasulev, S.Voronin. The mechanisms of reinforcement of price influence on innovative processes
I.Shovkun. The financial imperative of innovation and technology based economic development
A.Kravchenko. Time factors and economic evaluation
A.Orlov. About character of development of a social production and an estimation of its efficiency
V.Sadkov, I Grekov. Link pay to monetize the economy and the state budget: the need for reform
A.Sedlov. Evaluation of labour potential and development prospects of Far East Federal Region
Ra Kha Ev, M.Eneiva. To Caucasus are not necessary money: for Caucasus are necessary institutional reforms
L.Sheynin. On the effectiveness of the conversion of land reclamation


Production and the use of gross domestic product in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2009 and I half-year 2010
Unemployment rates in countries around the world
State finances in the Commonwealth countries in 2009 and in I quarter 2010
Material living conditions of population in the Commonwealth countries



A.Koshanov. The forced industrialisation and innovative strategy
V.Andrianov. Bureaucracy and civil service
A.Kalinin. Impact of the economic crisis of 2008-2009 on the factors limiting the production growth
E.Balatsky. Wagner's law, Armey-Rahn curve and wealth's paradox
Y.Ananiashvili, V.Papava. Laffer-Keynesian synthesis and the macroeconomic equilibrum
D.Volodina. The postindustrial consumer model based on postindustrial theories


Summary of population censuses in CIS countries
Labour market in the Commonwealth countries
Education in the Commonwealth countries
Review of the main macroeconomic tendencies and forecasts of economic development in the CIS countries



T.Koichuev. Kyrgyzstan: the hard way to improvement
A.Rosca. Freedom, socialization and security of the person
P.Orekhovskiy. Modernization and the characteristic properties of russian democracy
Yu.Kindzerkii. Development institutes: formation principles and use problem in economic transformations
G.Malginov. Financial and economic crisis and dynamics property in Russia
E.Balatsky, N.Ekimova. Financial unprofitable regions and budget relationships
V.Andrianov. Inflation in global economy and in Russia
G.Sokolova. Current state and opportunities for middle class development in Belarus
A.Shestoperov, A.Fokina. Tax policy as an instrument of diversification of the RF economy
Sh.Satimov. Customs and tariff policy as a factor to ensure social stability


Housing and social statistics



A.Martynov. Modernization as a Transformation
S.Vladimirov. About Modelling the Balanced Open Economy
M.Smirnov, O.Shestoperov, A.Shestoperov, A.Shamrai. Crediting of Small Enterprises
V.Zavadnikov. Energy of the Russian Economy
A.Alirzaev, E.Alirzaev. The Socio-Economic Problems of Post Crisis Situation in Azerbaijan
L.Sheynin. Administrative Division of the Territory: Improvisation or Science?
The Russian Society Ready to Upgrade?



E.Rustamov. Theoretical Analyses of "High Modernism" Concept
E.Balatsky. Crisis of Humanities and Evolution of Markets
Y.Shamray. Competition and Social Development
N.Smirnov. To Regulation of the Economy with Corruption
V.Zavadnikov. The Legislative Provision for the Creation and Develoment of High-Tech Industries in the Russian Industry
G.Sokolova. State and Using of Human Capital in the Republic of Belarus
The Russian Society Ready to Upgrade?



Leaving the Crisis Behind: Russian Economy Review
Y. Merkulova. How to Raise Public Utility of the Commodity Offer?
Y.Ananiashvili, V.Papava. The Role of Average Tax Rates in the Keynesian Model of Aggregate Demand
I.Vazarkhanov. Tax Monitoring as Tools for Implementation of Anti-Crisis Competence of Taxation Institutions
P. Kokhno. Competitor Intelligence as a Driver of Competitive Recovery
A. Zulfugarov. Impact of Basel Committee Standards on Banks in Developing Countries
B.Urdashev, D. Sokolov. New Stage of Pension System Financing Development: Derivatives
Kh. Mullakhmetov. Control as an Ethical Problem
Pros and Cons K. Pavlov, M. Fedorov. The Ecological Potential in the Region
Energy and Sustainable Development


About the Prospects for Economic Development of the Largest Regional Associations of Countries and the CIS Countries in 2010-2011
The Assessment of the Non-Observed Economy in CIS Countries




P.Nikitenko, V.Medvedev, I.Tolstik. Formation of the Common Information Space in Frames of the Union of Russia and Belarus – one of the most Important Tasks of the Integration Relations Development
M.Gorshkov. Russian Society: Reaction to Crisis and Future Expectations
G.Ulumbekova. Health and Healthcare in Russia. Problems and Perspectives
Y.Baildinov. The Needs of an Individual and Social Development
I.Buzdalov. The Russian Peasantry under a Pressure of Swapping
N.Smirnov. The Institutional Nature of Corruption
N.Naghdaliyev. Inflation Targeting in Azerbaijan: Measurement of Practical Independence Ratio of Central Bank
P.Kokhno. Competitor Intelligence in High-tech Military Defence Manufacturing
M.Uzyakov, A.Shirov, M.Gusev. Prospects of Economic Growth in Russia


Pension Schemes in the Commonwealth Countries
Government Expenditure on Education in Europe




E.Balatsky. The Role of Optimism in Economic Innovation Development
B.Rakhaev, Ra Kha Ev. Vital Resources, Behavioral Medium and Organizational Cycles of Business
Leaving the Crisis Behind: Russian Economy Review
A.Kokhno. Development and Implementation of Hi-tech Programs
I.Smotritskaya, S.Chernykh. The Public Prokurement in the System Interrelations of State and Market
O.Karatalov. Energy Security of Kyrgyzstan
I.Soboleva, L.Lakunina. Work-Related Social Security: Distribution Trends and Vulnerability Zones
D.Tev. How Recruited Mayors of Regional Capitals in 2000-th Years


Socioeconomic Situation of the CIS Member-States in 2009


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